Implementing Enhancement Level 1 - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide
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Complete this procedure if there are no CRM WebClient enhancements on your system. There are two parts to the configuration:

  • Postal validation popup window

  • Fuzzy search

To implement enhancement level 1

  1. Start transaction SM30 on view BSPWDV_EHSET_ASG and create the new assignment.

    Figure 1. New Entry WindowNew Entry Window
  2. Add component BP_HEAD_SEARCH to /TRILLIUM/BP_ADDRESS enhancement set and assign it to BSP application /TRILLIUM/BP_HEAD_SEARCH.
    1. Start transaction SM34 on view set BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT and click Maintain.

    2. Select the enhancement set /TRILLIUM/BP_ADDRESS and double-click Enhancement definition (left pane).

    3. Change the entry in “Runtime Rep. BSP Application” to BP_HEAD_SEARCH by removing the namespace prefix /TRILLIUM/.

      Figure 2. Enhancement Definition for BP_HEAD_SEARCH - Before Enhancement Definition for BP_HEAD_SEARCH - Before
      Figure 3. Enhancement Definition for BP_HEAD_SEARCH - AfterEnhancement Definition for BP_HEAD_SEARCH - After
    4. Save the entries.

    5. Double-click Controller Substitutes, click New Entries and create the Controller Substitute.

      Figure 4. Control Substitute Definition for BP_HEAD_SEARCHControl Substitute Definition for BP_HEAD_SEARCH
  3. Copy the imported view configurations from the /TRILLIUM/ role configuration key to the role configuration key that is assigned to your business roles.
    1. Start the BSP WD Workbench (transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB).

    2. Navigate to Views >BP_ADDR/AddrDecision and double-click the view name. The view structure is displayed.

      Figure 5. View Structure of BP_ADDR/AddrDecisionView Structure of BP_ADDR/AddrDecision


    3. Click the Configuration tab to display the default view configuration.

      Note: You may be required to log in again at this point.
      Figure 6. Standard Default ConfigurationStandard Default Configuration
    4. Click Choose Configuration and select the entry with configuration key /TRILLIUM/. The Trillium view configuration window, imported from the transport, opens.

      Figure 7. Trillium Configuration WindowTrillium Configuration Window
    5. Click Copy Configuration to copy the /TRILLIUM/ view configuration to the role configuration keys that are assigned to your business roles.

      Figure 8. Customer Configuration for BP_ADDRCustomer Configuration for BP_ADDR
    6. At the Caution prompt, click Yes. The Component Structure window opens.

    7. Enter your role configuration key and click .

      Figure 9. Role Configuration KeyRole Configuration Key
  4. Repeat Step 3 for each of the following views:

    •    BP_HEAD_SEARCH/MainSearch

    •    BP_HEAD_SEARCH/MainSearchResult

    •    BP_HEAD_SEARCH/SearchHelp

    •    BP_HEAD_SEARCH/SearchHelpResult

    When copying the configuration for these views, be sure to enter your role configuration key as well as Object Type BP_HEAD_SEARCH and Object Subtype ALL_FUZZY_SEARCH as shown in Figure below.

    Figure 10. Component StructureComponent Structure
  5. Optionally, you can further customize the copied view configuration by following the procedure in Step 18.