The standalone gateway is the recommended method for single or multiple SAP systems. You should install the gateway on the server that runs the TS Client for SAP, which will enable the automatic re-connection of the Application server and TS Connector in the event of an Application Server failure or restart of the SAP system.
Standalone Gateway with Single SAP System
In the example shown in Standalone Gateway Model: Single SAP System, the SAP system has a gateway sapgw00, and the stand-alone SAP gateway has a gateway sapgw01 that is installed in a server named localhost. The information sapgw01 and localhost gateway and host name are to be specified in the RFC Destination, while the sapgw00 is ignored. The same gateway and host name are also specified in the TS Connector SAPNWRFC.INI file.
Standalone Gateway with Multiple SAP Systems
The example shown in Standalone Gateway Model: Multiple SAP Systems Using the Same TrilliumSAPNW64 Version uses the same version of the TS Client for SAP as the preceding single SAP system model.