Activating the Business Configuration Set - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for SAP Reference Guide
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BC-SET /TRILLIUM/INITIAL is client-dependent and therefore must be activated in the customization client. Activating the BC-SET loads the customization data into the database tables and creates Change Requests for delivery to subsequent systems. There are two ways to perform this task:

  •    Via transaction /nSCPR20

  •    Via the Address Management with Trillium IMG option

There are two BC-SETs:

  • The initial customization settings, /TRILLIUM/INITIAL

  • The CRM WebClient customization settings, /TRILLIUM/CRMWEB


  1. Use transaction /nSCPR20 or Address Management with Trillium IMG option.

    Figure 1. Address Management with Trillium IMG Option
    Address Management with Trillium IMG Option
  2. From the IMG, click the Activate Business Configuration Set option.

    The Business Configuration Set: Activate window opens.

    Figure 2. Business Configuration Set: Activate
    Business Configuration Set: Activate
  3. Type the BC-SET name /TRILLIUM/INITIAL, then click Activate.

    A Caution window opens.


    Figure 3. Activation Caution Window
    Activation Caution Window
  4. Click  to continue.

    A warning window opens.

    Figure 4.  Activate BC-Set withoutRelease Validity Window
     Activate BC-Set withoutRelease Validity Window
  5. Click Yes to continue.

    The system prompts for a customizing request for transporting the client-dependent customizing data to subsequent systems.

    Figure 5. Customizing Request Window
    Customizing Request Window
  6. Click  to create a new request.

    The Create Request window opens.

    Figure 6. Create a Request
     Create a Request
  7. Enter a short description, then click to create a request.

    A Prompt for Customizing Request window opens.

    Figure 7. Customizing Request
    Customizing Request
  8. Click  to continue.

    The system prompts for a workbench request for transporting the client-dependent customizing data to subsequent systems.

    Figure 8. Workbench Request
    Workbench Request
  9.       Click to continue.

    The Activation Orders Caution window opens.

    Figure 9. Set Activation Caution Window
    Set Activation Caution Window
  10. Click  to continue.

The system returns to the Business Configuration Set: Activate screen with an “Activation completed with additional information” message at the bottom of the screen.

Note: If the procedure results in an error, repeat the process.
Figure 10. BC-Set Activation Completion Information
BC-Set Activation Completion Information

The BC-SET is now activated and the initial customization settings are visible in the Implementation Guide (IMG).

These initial settings provide a fully functional system and serve as a base for further customization. See Chapter 3 for more information on Address Management configuration for business requirements.


Repeat steps 1 through 10 of the procedure for activating BC-SET/TRILLIUM/INITIAL, using the set name /TRILLIUM/CRMWEB in step 3.