You must add the required custom fields to several sections in the TrilSAP.cfg configuration file.
To modify TrilSAP.cfg
Add the custom fields to the four Connector Components sections:[SAP<MAIN_ADDR>], [SAP<MAIN_ADDR1>], [SAP<BATCH_ADDR>], and [SAP<BATCH_ADDR1>]. For example:
[SAP<MAIN_ADDR>] BusinessName = /TSSERP/NAME1 BusinessName2 = /TSSERP/NAME2 FirstName = /TSSERP/NAME_FIR LastName = /TSSERP/NAME_LAS HouseNo = House_num1 StreetAddress = Street AptNo = House_num2 City = City1 State = Region PostalCode = Post_code1 Country = Country TELNUM = /TSSERP/TEL_NUMB TELNUMEXT = /TSSERP/TEL_EXTE MOBNUM = /TSSERP/MOB_NUMB EMAIL = /TSSERP/SMTP_ADD ObjectType = SAPAddress
Add the custom fields to the two Object Type sections: [SAPAddress] and [SAPAddressPO]. For example:
[SAPAddress] /TSSERP/NAME1 = dr_business_name /TSSERP/NAME_FIR = dr_first_name /TSSERP/NAME_LAS = dr_last_name House_num1 = dr_house_number1 Street = dr_street_name House_num2 = dr_house_number2 City1 = dr_city_name Region = dr_region_name Post_code1 = dr_postal_code /TSSERP/TEL_NUMB = TELNUM /TSSERP/TEL_EXTE = TELNUMEXT /TSSERP/MOB_NUMB = MOBNUM /TSSERP/SMTP_ADD = EMAIL
Add the custom fields to the two Window Keys Generation sections:[SAP<WINDOW_KEY>] and [SAP<WINDOW_KEY1>]. For example:
[SAP<WINDOW_KEY>] BusinessName = Name1 BusinessName2 = Name2 FirstName = Name_first LastName = Name_last HouseNo = House_num1 StreetAddress = Street AptNo = House_num2 StreetAddress1 = Str_suppl1 StreetAddress2 = Str_suppl2 StreetAddress3 = Str_suppl3 City = City1 State = Region PostalCode = Post_code1 Country = Country TELNUM = /TSSERP/TEL_NUMB TELNUMEXT = /TSSERP/TEL_EXTE MOBNUM = /TSSERP/MOB_NUMB EMAIL = /TSSERP/SMTP_ADD ObjectType = SAPWinKey
Add the custom fields to the two Reference Matching sections:[SAP<REF_MATCH>] and [SAP<BATCH MATCH>]. For example:
[SAP<REF_MATCH>] BusinessName = Name1 BusinessName2 = Name2 LastName = Name_last FirstName = Name_first HouseNo = House_num1 StreetAddress = Street City = City1 State = Region PostalCode = Post_code1 POBox = po_box PostalCode2 = Post_code2 Country = Country TELNUM = /TSSERP/TEL_NUMB TELNUMEXT = /TSSERP/TEL_EXTE MOBNUM = /TSSERP/MOB_NUMB EMAIL = /TSSERP/SMTP_ADD ObjectType = SAPAddress