Example 1
If you run the query show_all_br and you want to return only the values for disabled business rules in entity 1 for the columns ENTITY_ID and STATUS, you add parameters as follows:
Example 2
If you run show_entity_metadata, but you want to return only data in ENTITY_ID and ENTITY_SCHEMA_NAME columns for rows where the entity ID value is 8, you add the parameters as follows:
Example 3
For some queries, the associated entity ID and attribute ID metadata is hidden in Control Center List View. To return this data when you run these queries, append the query with the add_key parameter and specify a value of 1. For example,
See OLE DB Parameters for more information about add_key and which queries it supports.
To add query parameters:
In Excel, select a cell in an open worksheet and click Data > Existing Connections. The Existing Connections window opens.
In the Select a Connection or Table section, select the connection to the query you want to modify.
Click Open. The Import Data window opens.
Click Properties, then click the Definition tab in the Connection Properties window.
Ensure the Command type is Table.
In the Command text field, append the query with parameters as needed.
Parameters can be entered in any order.
Click OK.
In the Import Data window, click OK to run the query.