Example 1
If you run the query show_baseline, and you want to return only rows in the Group ID, Group Name, and Entities columns that have the value 2 in the Group_ID column, you would modify the statement as follows:
SELECT "Group ID", "Group Name", "Entities" FROM "SCHEMA"."OAUSER"."show_baseline" WHERE "Group ID"='2'
Example 2
To return the first one hundred rows for the List View of all enabled entity business rules, use the following statement:
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM "SCHEMA"."OAUSER"."show_all_br"
To refine the results, the following statement would retrieve the Entity ID, Entity, and Seqno columns for the first 5 rows from the show_all_br query:
SELECT TOP 5 "Entity ID", "Entity", "Seqno" FROM
Example 3
To return all the rows for the List View of all enabled business rules for Entity_ID columns that have a value of 5 and 6, use the following statement:
SELECT * FROM "SCHEMA"."OAUSER"."show_all_br" WHERE "eid"='5 6'
Example 4
For some queries, the associated entity ID and attribute ID metadata is not available in the Control Center List View. To return this data when you run these queries, append the query with the add_key parameter and specify a value of 1.
For example,
SELECT * FROM "SCHEMA".OAUSER."Texas Data(469)" WHEREview_name='view_br_fail' AND "ebr"='2' AND "add_key"='1'
See ODBC Parameters for more information about add_key and which queries it supports.