Analyzing Name and Address Data - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Parser Tuner

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Parser Tuner
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The Name and Address Analyzer uses the settings and tables from the selected CDP. The Name and Address Analyzer uses a simplified schema in which the only user-defined attributes are the CDP inputs. Therefore the CDP, Postal Matcher, Transformer Data Reconstruction, Transformer Label Lines, or Transformer Unified Output will not run if they contain settings that use any other user-defined attributes, for example a row filter that uses a non-name/address attribute. You need to remove any such settings while using the Name and Address Analyzer.
Note: When testing your parser tuning, you must run the Parser Customization for any changes you made to the customized definition table before running the Name and Address Analyzer.

To analyze name and address data

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Navigation or Project view, right-click the CDP process and select Name and Address Analyzer. (In multi-country projects, there is a separate CDP for each country.)
    • Click the Name and Address icon () on the Home tab. Select your project and CDP process in the Name and Address Analyzer window and click OK.
    • Click the Launch Name and Address Analyzer link in the Helpful Links on the Getting Started page. Select your project and CDP process in the Name and Address Analyzer window and click OK.

    The Address Preview window opens.

  2. Select one or more processes to run. The Customer Data Parser is always selected and you cannot change this. You can optionally select the Postal Matcher, Transformer Data Reconstruction, Transformer Label Lines, or Transformer Unified Output processes from the drop-down lists.

  3. Enter a name and address in the Address Lines window. The entry can be a maximum of 10 lines (up to 100 characters per line).

  4. Click Run.
  5. After the process is run, depending on the processes you used, one or more output buttons (Parser Debug, Customer Data Parser, Postal Matcher, Data Reconstruction, Label Lines, and Unified) become enabled. These buttons allow you to view the CDP debug file and each of the output data.
  6. Click the appropriate button. When the Transformer Label Lines or Transformer Unified Output process is run, the analyzer will display the output lines in the Address Lines: Output window. You can switch between the Input and output to see the changes by selecting the Input and Output toggle buttons.
    Note: The results may not be the same as running the data through the entire project.
    Note: You can right-click and select Choose Columns from the pop-up menu to view other attributes.
  7. To close the Name and Address Analyzer, click Close.