These operations are used only for Korea.
- SYN (Synonym)
- Level2-Switch
- Level4-Alias
- Level-Recode
The synonym takes a data element and keeps it, but assigns it the same meaning as another entry in the definitions table. Example: ‘Maria’ Synonym=’Mary’. In this example, the Parser treats Maria and Mary as the same data.
This is an aliasing feature which tries out a different Level 2 value to account for situations where locality districts are assigned to different city/county jurisdictions, or cases where some (but not all) Level 3 values are reassigned to a different Level 2. By entering in a Level2-Switch value, the Postal Matcher can try the alternative and perform a check against the GAV tables. If the alternate results in a match, then a recode is performed on the data.
‘Input L2’ Level2-Switch Rec=’Alternate L2’
'수원시 팔달구' Level2-switch REC='수원시 영통구' |
This is another aliasing feature which looks for prefix aliases.
‘Alias Prefix’ Level4-Alias Rec=’Valid L4 Prefix (1), Valid L4 Prefix (2), up to 10’
- For more than ten, enter on separate line(s).
- Use only prefix. The other half is listed in the Level4-Endings list.
- For an L4 Alias (variation) in the input record, the Postal Matcher scans through all of the possible prefixes in combination with the valid endings and performs a lookup within the possibilities within an L3 (including all L3 #s).
'금강' Level4-alias REC='금광블루빌,금강빌라,금강메트로빌,금강마을주공,금강맨션, 무지개마을금강,이매촌금강,양지마을,늘푸른,동아금강맨션 |
This is a special recode that allows specifically targeted geographic recodes to compensate for spelling errors and bad geographic levels. Note that the Level-Recode is used in conjunction with the standard RECODE keyword.
[level1,level2,level3,level4,low_num,high_num,postcode] Level-recode REC=[new_l1,new_l2,new_l3,new_l4,new_low_num, new_high_num,new_postcode]
the "left side" of the equation = input geographic combination
the "right side" of the equation = desired output geographic combination
Example 1
'서울,강남구,댕치동' Level-Recode REC='서울,강남구,대치동' |
In this example, misspelled Level 3 is corrected.
Example 2
'서울,강남구,대치동,1,300' Level-Recode REC='서울,강남구,대치4동,1,300' |
In this example, Level 3 is recoded for specified block number range only.
Example 3
'경기,양주군,양주읍,광사리,,,482822' Level-Recode REC='경기,양주시,광사동,,,,482030' |
In this example, the old L2-L4 combination is updated with the new L2-L3 combination with a new postcode.
Example 4
'서울,은평구,갈현2동,,240,274,122802' Level-Recode REC='서울,은평구,갈현2동,, 240,268,122802' |
In this example, the block number range is modified.
Example 5
You can combine the level recode with automated L3 number check.
Bad example:
'서울,강남구,도곡2동,타워팰리스' Level-Recode REC='서울,강남구,도곡2동,삼성타워팰리스' |
This example looks for input data that comes in exactly with the L1,2,3,4 combination in order to do a recode. This is a very limited implementation and shouldbe avoided if possible.
Good example:
'서울,강남구,도곡동,타워팰리스' Level-Recode REC='서울,강남구,도곡2동, 삼성타워팰리스' |
In this example, regardless of how the Level 3 appears in the input dataset (도곡동, 도곡1동 etc.) the 타워팰리스 is recoded to 삼성타워팰리스, and the L3 number is correctly referenced and recoded to 도곡2동.