+ |
Sum of |
- |
Subtract to find the difference of |
* |
Multiplied by |
/ |
Divided by |
( |
Left parenthesis |
) |
Right parenthesis |
= |
Is equal To |
<> |
Not equal To |
< |
Less than |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
> |
Greater than |
A conjunction between two statements. Both statements must be true for
the conjunction to be true.
- Syntax
attribute1 = value1 AND attribute2 = value2
attribute1 = value1 is the first statement to be
attribute2 = value2 is the second statement to be
Note the following guidelines:
- AND can also be used with the OR and NOT operators.
- Expressions are evaluated from left to right. Precedence is
implied by the order shown in the expression, although
parenthetical statements always take priority.
- Any comparison operator can be used to join statements.
- Statements are not case-sensitive.
- Example
- The following associates the values tomato and fruit to
attributes Name and Type: Name = "tomato" AND Type = "fruit"
OR |
An inclusive disjunction between two statements. At least one statement
must be true for the disjunction to be true.
- Syntax
attribute1 = value1 OR attribute2 = value2
attribute1 = value1 is the first disjunctive
statement in the expression.
attribute2 = value2 is the second disjunctive statement.
Note the following guidelines:
- OR can also be used with the AND and NOT operators
- Expressions are evaluated from left to right. Precedence is
implied by the order shown in the expression, although
parenthetical statements always take priority.
- Any comparison operator can be used to join statements.
- Statements are not case-sensitive.
- Examples
- The following returns a correct value if either statement is
true. If neither is true, no value is returned: age > 21
OR year_of_birth > 1990
- The following shows that either the value tomato is valid
for the Name attribute or the value fruit is valid for the
Type attribute: Name = "tomato" OR Type = "fruit"
- The following expression validates that if the Sort Code
attribute is populated, then it is correct for the country in
the Client attribute: Sort Code = "" OR (PATTERN(Sort
Code,"default") LIKE "d9" AND Client LIKE "US*") OR
(PATTERN(Sort Code,"default") LIKE "d2pd2pd2" AND Client LIKE
Reverses the truth value of the statement that follows, resulting in the
opposite of the statement it evaluates.
- Syntax
NOT attribute1 = value1
where attribute1 = value1 is the statement to be
Note the following guidelines:
- NOT can also be used with the AND and OR operators.
- Expressions are evaluated from left to right. Precedence is
implied by the order shown in the expression, although
parenthetical statements always take priority.
- Statements are not case-sensitive.
- Examples
- The following reverses (disconnects) the value "JOHN" from
the attribute first_name: NOT(first_name="JOHN")
- The following reverses (disconnects) the values tomato and
fruit from the attributes Name and Type: NOT Name = "tomato"
AND Type = "fruit"
IN |
Tests whether a value is equal to a value in a list.
- Syntax
value IN ("value1","value2",..."valueN")
value IN LIST("value1","value2",..."valueN")
value IN "value1","value2",..."valueN"
value is the value to be tested.
value1,value2,valueN are the values in the set to be
tested for a match.
Note: When using the IN operator in Quality,
the LIST operator is automatically added to the syntax in the
settings output file. You do not have to add LIST to the
- Examples
- You can create a filter to return certain values. The
statement Name IN ("tomato","pear") results in returning the
rows where tomato or pear occur in the Name attribute.
- You can create validation and business rules based on
whether a value matches one of a set of values. For example,
IF [apt_num] IN (2??) THEN… ELSE IF [apt_num] IN
(3??,4??,5??) THEN…
Comparison operator that searches for a value that matches a specified
- Syntax
value LIKE "pattern"
value is the attribute to be searched.
- "pattern" is the pattern used for the match.
Note the following guidelines:
- To broaden the match criteria, use the wildcard characters
asterisk (*) and question mark (?), as follows:
- (?) specifies a single character.
- (*) specifies zero or more consecutive characters in a
- You can use more than one of each wildcard character
in an expression; for example, "s*@h*tm*l.*",
"*Nelson*", and "*05??2010"
- If you are searching on an asterisk or a question mark
and do not want to use it as a wildcard character, you
must escape it using a forward slash (/) as escape
character when using it for TSQ
expressions or a backward slash (\) escape character
for profiling (Discovery) expressions. For example, in
expression, to search on "abc*xyz" and "abc?xyz", write
the patterns as "abc/*xyz" and "abc/?xyz". To search on
a pattern that includes "/*", for example "abc/*xyz",
you write the pattern as "abc///*xyz".
- Use square brackets ([ ]) to specify any one group of
characters in a set; for example [a,b,c]. Use a dash (-) to
specify a range of characters; for example, [1-10].
- Examples
- If ATTR1 contains the values test and testing, the
expression ATTR1 LIKE "tes?" returns "test". To return both
"test" and "testing", use ATTR1 LIKE "tes*".
- If ATTR2 contains the values "stick" and "stack", the
expression ATTR2 LIKE "st[a-j]ck" returns both.
- The following shows how to view all values in the NAME
attribute that contain the string "cust": NAME LIKE
- To find all Product identification numbers with a 5 in the
3rd position, use the following: Product_Id LIKE
|| |
Concatenates multiple arguments (such as strings, attributes, and
integers) with no space between each argument.
- Syntax
argument1 || argument2 || argument3
argument1 indicates the first argument in a series of
concatenated arguments.
argument2 indicates the second argument in a
argument3 indicates the third argument, and so
- Examples
- "One" || ATX || 3 returns "One"ATX3.
- "Nelson" || "Ruiz" returns "Nelson""Ruiz".
- House No - 2 || House No - 1 results in 01 for all
|: |
Concatenates multiple arguments (such as strings, attributes, and
integers) with a space between each argument.
- Syntax
argument1 |: argument2 |: argument3
argument1 indicates the first argument in a series of
concatenated arguments.
argument2 indicates the second argument in a
argument3 indicates the third argument, and so
- Examples
- "One" |: ATX |: 3 returns "One" ATX 3.
- "Nelson |: Ruiz" returns "Nelson Ruiz".
Logical condition operators. The ELSE statement is optional. When using
the Expression Builder inside a Quality project, do not select "IF" to
specify a condition. The "IF" part of the syntax is automatically
- Syntax
IF expression1 THEN expression2 ELSE
expression3 |TRUE|FALSE
where expression is the condition or argument that
completes the IF, THEN, ELSE logic. The ELSE statement
takes an expression or the keywords "TRUE" or "FALSE".
- Example
The following validates the value in the Auth Id Rep attribute:
IF [Status] <> "AUTH" AND [Status] <> "REJECT"
THEN [Auth Id Rep] = "NSP"
Logical condition operators. Syntax is similar to the IF, THEN, ELSE
logical statement.
- Syntax
IF expression1 THEN expression2 ELSE IF
expression3 THEN expression4 ELSE
expression5 |TRUE|FALSE
where expression is a condition or argument that
completes the IF, THEN, ELSE IF, THEN, ELSE logic. The
ELSE statement takes an expression or the keywords "TRUE" or
- Example
The following validates the value in the Acc Type attribute:
IF [Acc Type] IN (410)
Num],1,3),"rich") = "d3" AND PATTERN(SUBSTR([Acc
Num],7,8),"rich") = "d8"
ELSE IF [Acc Type] IN (510)
THEN SUBSTR([Acc Num],4,3) = "510" AND PATTERN(SUBSTR([Acc
Num],1,3),"rich") = "d3"
AND PATTERN(SUBSTR([Acc Num],7,8),"rich") =
ELSE PATTERN([Acc Num], "rich") = "d20"