Standardize Rules - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Expression Builder

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Expression Builder
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The Standardize function uses these rules for each of the following data types:


  • Strips all characters from the value except for alphanumeric characters and the special numeric punctuation characters '+', '-', and '.'. This allows numbers to be compared with strings.
  • All alphanumeric characters are standardized in uppercase. For example, "480 Briggs Road" turns into "480BRIGGSROAD".


  • Strips any leading and trailing spaces and tabs.
  • Strips leading zeros (0).
  • Eliminates "thousands" separators.
  • Standardizes the field to zero (0) if an inappropriate character, alphabetic character, or punctuation is found.
  • If the number includes a decimal point, possibly with a mantissa (fractional decimal part)*, then if the mantissa is zero (0), the decimal part is truncated. If the mantissa is non-zero, the standardization process returns a zero (0). For example, "100.0" is standardized to "100", but "100.1" is standardized to zero (0).
  • If the number of digits in the field is greater than eighteen (18), the number is standardized to the local machine's MAX_INTEGER setting. This means that numbers of more than 18 digits in length compare as equals.
  • After standardization, there should be a string of digits with an optional '+' or '-' sign at the front.


  • Strips any leading and trailing spaces and tabs.
  • Strips leading and trailing zeros (0) after a decimal point. This means that "0.1" is standardized to ".1".
  • Eliminates "thousands" separators.
  • Numbers with no mantissa (fractional decimal part)* are standardized by appending a ".0". For example, "1234" is standardized as "1234.0".
  • A number with a trailing point has a zero (0) appended. For example, "100" becomes "100.0".
  • If the number of digits in a field is greater than eighteen (18), the number is standardized to the local machine's MAX_DOUBLE setting. This means that numbers of more than 18 digits in length compare as equals.
  • After standardization, there should be a string of digits with an optional '+' or '-' sign at the front and a single decimal point embedded within the digits. The decimal point can lead at the front but never trails at the end.

* A mantissa is the fractional decimal point of a number. For example, if the number is 1.345, the mantissa is .345.

Note: Numeric types Integer and Decimal are locale-aware for decimal point and "thousands" separator.