String Functions - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Expression Builder

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Expression Builder
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The functions for the String category perform calculations on string values.

The STRSUB function (using the STRSUB table) has been deprecated. To convert a string, for example to convert a name to use proper case, use the five (5) casing tables listed in \tables\general_resources.

Note: The STRSUB table is still supported for legacy projects.

Function Name



Appends multiple values (such as strings, attributes, and integers) together with a space between each.

Note: Works the same as JOIN.

Concatenates two values (such as strings, attributes and integers) without a space. Equivalent to the string operator "II".

Note: If a value is an attribute, any trailing spaces in the attribute are maintained during the concatenation.

Determines if an attribute contains a specified value, returning TRUE if value is in the attribute and FALSE if the value is not in the attribute.


Converts a hexadecimal value to a character.


Inserts one string into another string at the specified offset.



Determines which characters are considered alphabetic. The following characters are valid: a-z, A-Z. You can redefine the alphabetic character set by using a mask table. For example, add commas or spaces to the mask table if you want those characters to be considered alphabetic.


Determines which characters are considered alphanumeric. The following characters are valid: a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Returns true (1) if the values are found to contain only numerics. You can redefine the alphanumeric character set by using a mask table. For example, add commas or spaces to the mask table if you want those characters to be considered alphanumeric.


Determines which characters are considered numeric. The following characters are valid: 0-9. You can redefine the numeric character set by using a mask table. For example, add commas or spaces to the mask table if you want those characters to be considered numeric.


Concatenates multiple values such as strings, attributes, and integers. Accepts two or more values.

Note: If a value is an attribute, any trailing spaces in the attribute are maintained during the concatenation.

The "||" is a simple join that concatenates two or more values without trimming any space.

The "|:" is a join with space that trims and the combines two or more values with a space in between.


Adjusts the contents of an attribute to the left. Leaves a single space between elements and includes any trailing blanks.

Note: This is designed as a temporary change to evaluate the IF statement and does not change the actual attribute data.

Converts contents of an attribute to lowercase characters.

Note: Function does not trim trailing blank spaces during evaluation of the equals operator against a string literal. Consider using TRIM function in addition, to ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces that may affect expression results.

Returns the character length of an attribute.

Note: LENGTH returns the length in characters; SCHEMA_LENGTH returns the length in bytes.

Left-justifies the contents of an attribute. Removes any leading blanks.

Note: This is designed as a temporary change to evaluate the IF statement and does not change the actual attribute data.

Converts the values of an attribute to lowercase characters.

Note: Function does not trim trailing blank spaces during evaluation of the equals operator against a string literal. Consider using TRIM function in addition, to ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces that may affect expression results.

Moves the contents of a value (such as an attribute) to the left. Removes all spaces between elements and includes any trailing blanks.

Note: This is designed as a temporary change to evaluate the IF statement and does not change the actual attribute data.

Trims the leading (left-side) white space from attribute values.

Note: This function will pad the ending with spaces to keep the original length of the field.

Parses a string to find the location of a substring and returns a numeric value equivalent to the position of the substring occurrence counted from the left of the string. Returns null (-1) if the string is not found.


Adjusts attribute contents to the right. Leaves a single space between elements and includes any leading blanks.

Note: This is designed as a temporary change to evaluate the IF statement and does not change the actual attribute data.

Applies regular expressions to a string and returns the part of the string that matches the expression. If the string returns empty, there is no match.

Note: REGEXP is implemented using Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE).

Returns attribute values in the reverse order.


Returns characters from the right of a value based on a supplied number.


Right-justifies the contents of an attribute. Removes any trailing blanks.

Note: This is designed as a temporary change to evaluate the IF statement and does not change the actual attribute data.

Moves attribute contents to the right. Removes all spaces between elements and includes any leading blanks.

Note: This is designed as a temporary change to evaluate the IF statement and does not change the actual attribute data.

Trims the trailing (right-side) white space from an attribute.

Note: This function will pad the beginning with spaces to keep the original length of the field.

Splits a value relative to a separator character.


Finds and replaces characters in a string.


Returns a substring which describes characters at the beginning, middle, or end of a string value. This function can also be used in an IF statement.


Converts a string to title case (initial cap). When used with the optional argument ANY, converts the first alpha character and all characters immediately following a number to title case (initial cap).

Note: Function does not trim trailing blank spaces during evaluation of the equals operator against a string literal. Consider using TRIM function in addition, to ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces that may affect expression results.

Converts multiple numeric values to a single numeric value.


Removes leading and trailing white space characters (space, tab, new line, carriage return, and form feed) from the start and end of a value.


Converts a value to uppercase.

Note: Function does not trim trailing blank spaces during evaluation of the equals operator against a string literal. Consider using TRIM function in addition, to ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces that may affect expression results.

Converts a value to uppercase characters.

Note: Function does not trim trailing blank spaces during evaluation of the equals operator against a string literal. Consider using TRIM function in addition, to ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces that may affect expression results.