When you start up the Repository Manager, Trillium DQ verifies your credentials. After verification is complete, Trillium DQ automatically connects you to the repository connection you last used. You can modify the way the startup process works:
If you are using Windows-authenticated users, Trillium DQ bypasses the login process by default. If you prefer, you can require the repository administrator to log into the Repository Manager.
By default, Trillium DQ automatically connects you to the most recently used repository connection. If you use several repository connections, you can opt to display the Connection window at startup so you can select the one you want to use.
To define your startup options
On the Home tab, click Options. The Manager Environment Options window opens.
Select from the following options:
Automatically login if possible. This option is applicable for Windows-authenticated users only. Automatic login is selected by default. Clear the option if you want the user to authenticate themselves during login.
At startup, load last repository connection. When you select this option, the Connection window is by passed during the login. Disable this option if you regularly connect to different repository servers.
Disable access to file system. When you select this option, access to local file system is disabled. As a result, in both the Repository Manager and Control Center applications:
New, Open, Save Session and Save as session options from the Application menu are disabled.
User is not prompted to save changes to the session when switching the user or repository server or when closing an application.
User cannot access Trillium DQ documentation by clicking the Help option () and then clicking Manuals.
Print and Quick Print options are disabled.
The Metadata Summaries print icon () is disabled.
In the Control Center only:
User does not see the Contact Support and View Documentation in the Control Center Start page.
Create entity from client setting is disabled.
In the List View:
Export to local system menu options (for entity, projects etc) and corresponding ribbon bar button are disabled.
Copy menu item also disabled.
Save Layout, Load Layout and Export options (from both menu drop-downs and the Ribbon bar buttons) for E-R diagram are disabled.
In the Icon View the Save button, and Export and Copy options are disabled.
In the Library tab, the export to local file system or import from local file system is disabled for Business Rules, Word definitions, Ignore words tables in the Library tab of the Control Center.
Export and Generate Schema option for entity is disabled.
Import project for Trillium Quality projects and Generate DDL for Trillium Quality entities are disabled.
In Quick Access Toolbar, any buttons related to above operations are disabled.
On the Manage bar, when you right-click an icon, the View Source option is disabled.
When creating and editing notes, the Print and Export buttons are disabled in the New Note or Note for note_name windows.
On the Advanced tab, selecting the Edit Schema icon is disabled.
The message This feature is not supported is displayed:
When user clicks Help > Manuals
When user clicks View Documentation in the Getting started page
Enable Discovery Center. When you select this option, users can access the Discovery Center application from the Control Center.Discovery Center is a web-based application that allows Trillium DQ business users to manage their business rules and entities (data sources), add and run rules to view analysis results, create new data sources, modify multiple rules at a time, and create and manage rules sets (groups of library rules). See also, Logging in to Discovery Center.
Click OK to save your changes.