When you install a language pack, you must set the REST API locale parameter in the Trillium server config.txt file. Specifying the REST API locale ensures that the proper country locale is configured for applications that use the Trillium REST API, including Discovery Center and Administration Center.
Run this procedure after you install a Trillium language pack in your environment.
To configure Trillium REST API locale
Stop the scheduler and Rest APIs services.
Open the config.txt file on your server system. The file is in the etc directory in your Trillium server installation location. For example, on Windows this default location is: C:\Program Files\Trillium Software\MBSW\17\etc
Locate and edit the rest_api parameter for your language. The following languages and values are supported:
English = en (default)
Brazilian Portuguese = pt_BR
Chinese, Mainland = zh_CN
Chinese, Taiwan = zh_TW
French = fr
German = de
Italian = it
Japanese = ja
Korean = ko
Spanish = es
Note: You may need to add the key/value pair in the file if not already there.For example, to set the locale to display strings in Taiwan Chinese, add or edit the settings as follows:
key rest_api { value locale "zh_TW" }
If the locale setting has not been set or has not been added to the config.txt file, the locale defaults to English.
Save and close the file.
Restart the scheduler and Rest APIs services.