Command—runrules - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium DQ Repository Administrator Guide

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Repository Administrator Guide
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The runrules command enables you to run Attribute Business Rules or Entity Business Rules outside the Control Center. Command options are designed to give you maximum flexibility when you run a rules job. For example, you can run all rules from a specified entity, selected rules in an entity, or only rules that need to be analyzed.

The following terms are used in the runrules command syntax. Understanding their meaning will help you structure the command to run the appropriate rules.


A dirty entity or attribute is one contains rules that are out-of-date; that is, rules that need to be analyzed or re-analyzed.


A model entity or attribute is one that is in the library. Non-library objects are called real objects.

Note: Attribute Business Rules (ABRs) and Entity Business Rules (EBRs) have an ID number. By default, this number is hidden in the Control Center, but you can see it by displaying a List View of the rules and adding the column Sequence Number to the list.


        EBRs: runrules <eid> <qualifier>
ABRs: runrules <eid> -attribute <aid> <qualifier>



An entity ID or 0. When you specify 0, the command runs the rules for all the entities in the repository.


An attribute ID.


One of the following values:
All rules for the specified entity or attribute.
All rules associated with the specified real entity or attribute.
All rules associated with the specified library entity or attribute.
Only rules for the specified entity or attribute that need to be analyzed.
Only rules in the specified entity that need to be analyzed.
Only rules that need to be analyzed and are associated with the specified library entity or attribute.
-selected  {#, # }
Only the specified rules, identified by rule number.


The following command line examples demonstrate the different types of rules jobs you can run.

Run Entity Business Rules in a Real Entity

Run all the EBRs in entity 62.

runrules 62 -all

Run all the EBRs in entity 62 that need to be analyzed.

runrules 62 -dirty

Run the specified EBRs in entity 62.

runrules 62 -selected {16,18,24}

Run Attribute Business Rules in a Real Entity

Run all the ABRs for attribute 24 in entity 31.

runrules 31 -attribute 24 -all

Run all the ABRs that need to be analyzed for attribute 24 in entity 31.

runrules 31 -attribute 24 -dirty

Run the specified ABRs for attribute 24 in entity 31.

runrules 31 -attribute 24 -selected {1,2,4}

Run All Business Rules in a Real Entity

Run all the EBRs and ABRs for entity 31.

runrules 31 -allentity

Run all the EBRs and ABRs in entity 31 that need to be analyzed.

runrules 31 -dirtyentity

Run All Business Rules in the Repository

Run all the EBRs and ABRs for all entities in the repository.

runrules 0 -allentity

Run all the EBRs and ABRs for all entities in the repository that need to be analyzed.

runrules 0 -dirtyentity

Run Entity Business Rules Associated with a Library Entity

Run all the EBRs associated with library entity 43.

runrules 43 -allmodel

Run only the EBRs associated with library entity 43 that need to be analyzed.

runrules 43 -dirtymodel

Run Attribute Business Rules Associated with a Library Attribute

Run all the ABRs in the repository that are associated with library attribute 54.

runrules 0 -attribute 54 -allmodel

Run only the ABRs in the repository that are associated with library attribute 54 and need to be analyzed.

runrules 0 -attribute 54 -dirtymodel