Command—edit userscripts - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium DQ Repository Administrator Guide

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Repository Administrator Guide
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This command is used to modify a user-defined script that is registered with the Control Center. In order to use this command, you must know the ID of the script that you want to modify.

If you type edit userscripts without any parameter in mtb_admin you will initially be prompted for the sequence number (SEQNO). This is the number you get back when you firstly create a userscript (i.e. add userscripts). You can also see this number using show userscripts command.

The SEQNO parameter is followed by all the other parameters. To change a parameter (e.g. LOCATION), type the new value when prompted and hit Enter. To keep a parameter unchanged, just press Enter at the prompt.

When you are done, you can review the modifications using show userscripts.

Note: The command must be typed on a single line. The parameters vary, depending on the type of object you are adding. The edit userscripts command must be run from the _control repository.


edit userscripts SEQNO <seqno> NAME "<display name>" DESCRIPTION "<description of script>" LOCATION "<full path>"


SEQNO <seqno>

The ID of the script that needs to be modified. This is the ID that was returned when add userscripts was executed.

NAME"<display name>"

Name of the script as you want it to appear in the Execute Server Action submenu in the Control Center.

DESCRIPTION "<description>"

Description of the user-defined script.

LOCATION "<full path>"

Location of the script, including filename. Use forward slashes to define the path.

Optional Parameters




Type 1 to hide the script from limited users; type 0 to display the script to all users. (The default is 0.)

FIXEDARGS <arg1 arg2>

Arguments that are always passed to the script. You can use a literal value as an argument or one of the following:
passes the name of the active repository
passes the name of the logged on user
passes the name of the repository data directory
Passes the name of the binaries directory


The number of arguments that need to be passed to the script by the user. The Control Center prompts only once for these arguments, and the user must respond with all the values, separated by a space.

An individual argument cannot contain a space.

Note: The edit userscripts command must be run from the _control repository. If the edit userscripts command contains both FIXEDARGS and USERARGS, the FIXEDARGS are passed to the script first.