Step 3: Import a Word Definition Table - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Once the word definition table is created in the Library, you need to import it for use in the BDP process.

To import a word definition table

  1. Create a business data project.
  2. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Business Data Parser process and select Edit Process.
  3. Click Tools.
  4. Click Import Customized Table. The Import Customized Table window opens. The tables in the Library are displayed.
  5. Select Choose from library and select the table Word Definition Mortgage.
  6. (Optional) Select the ignore word table if applicable.
  7. Select Automatically remove unused attributes. By default, a business data project includes 50 sets of output attributes in the output schema. This option will remove unused attributes from the output when the BDP is run.
  8. Click Import.
  9. When you see the message "Import Complete" click OK.
  10. Click Launch Parser Tuner. The Parser Tuner opens.
  11. Click Customized Definitions in the Navigation pane to display the word definition table you imported. The entries will be displayed as follows:
  12. Verify the entries and make changes if necessary. You must be familiar with parser syntax, conventions , and patterns before customizing definitions and patterns in the Parser Tuner.
  13. Click File > Save to save your changes.
  14. Click File > Exit to close the Parser Tuner.
  15. Click Run Parser Customization to compile the tables.
  16. When you see the message "Successful" click OK. If the process finds errors, it reports them in the log file. If necessary, relaunch the Parser Tuner and return to the tables to make further changes.
  17. Click Finish to save your work.

The word definition table is imported. Now you can move on to Step 4, Configure and Run the Business Data Parser.