Drilling Down to Details - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Drilling down is the process of moving from summary information to more detailed information. For example, in the Summary Data View, you can drill down from the Data Rows entity metadata to display the data rows in a List View; you can then drill down from a data row to display the details for that row; from the row details, you can further drill down to display the detail values for a specific attribute.
Note: When you reach the final level, the drill-down feature is not available, and if you right-click a row, the pop-up menu shows No drill down available.

To drill down to data rows from the Summary Data View

  1. Display the Summary Data View in which you are interested. (See How to Use Summary Data Views.)
  2. Click an underlined item to display file or detailed metadata in a List View.

Drill down to more Information about a Data Row

To drill down to more information about a data row

  1. Display the List View in which you are interested.
  2. Double-click any field in a row for which you want more detailed information or right-click the row and select Drill down to row detail. The Row Detail List View displays.
  3. Review the data drill-down results.
  4. To drill down further, right-click a row and select Detail value. A pop-up window displays with the detailed values for that row.

    The following table describes the drill-down options available from List Views. The bi-directional arrows indicate the ability to drill up or down to next levels of information. To review a list of options in the Summary Data Views, click here.

    From this List View item... Right-click to...
    Data rows Drill down to row detail
    Entity member attributes Drill down to attribute metadata

    Original row lengths


    Drill down to matching rows

    Drill down to row detail

    Detail Value

    Attribute value counts

    Drill down to matching Rows

    Drill down to row detail

    Detail value

    Business rules

    Drill down to failing rows/values

    Drill down to passing rows/values

    Keys Drill down to duplicates
    Dependencies Drill down to conflicts
    Distinct values

    Drill down to matching rows

    Drill down to row detail

    Detail Value

    Distinct patterns Drill down to matching values
    Rows that contain the minimum value for this attribute  
    Rows that contain the maximum value for this attribute  
    Rows that have a value of the minimum length for this attribute  
    Rows that have a value of the maximum length for this attribute  
    Rows that contain a null in this attribute.  
    Distinct soundexes Drill down to matching values
    Distinct metaphones Drill down to matching values
    Distinct masks Drill down to matching values
    Distinct values [Datatype=Strings]

    Drill down to matching rows

    Drill down to row detail

    Detail value

    Keys Drill down to duplicates
    Dependencies Drill down to conflicts