Numerical List of Attributes - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The following table lists all Trillium CDP and BDP attributes in order of their code number. The numeric codes associated with each attribute are assigned and stored in the pr_pattern or bp_pattern attribute and displayed in the debug files. For example, GVN-NM1(51) and 1ALPHA(203).

Attribute Code Abbr Description
B-REDEFINE 046 B-RDEF A value related to the business name. For example, Doing Business As.
P-TITLE 047 –– Plural title, such as Drs.
C-TITLE 048 –– Compound title, such as Dr./Mrs.
B-DESCRIPTIVE 049 B-DES A component associated with a business name. Often describes the legal business structure. For example: Inc., Ltd., and The Law Office Of.
REDEFINE 050 RDEF Also Known As (AKA) for a name, Doing Business As (DBA) for a business name, etc.
GIVEN-NAME1 051 GVN-NM1 First name.
GIVEN-NAME2 052 GVN-NM2 Middle name.
SURNAME 053 SRNM Last name.
TITLE-PREFIX 054 TTLP Populates the prefix title.
GENERATION 055 GENR A generation qualifier that follows a name. For example: Jr., Sr., III.
RELATIONSHIP 056 REL In Trust For, FBO, and so on.
DESCRIPTIVE 057 DES Non-name/address word(s). For example, Income Acct or General Fund.
BUSINESS? 058 BUS? Possible name for a business.
BUSINESS 059 BUS A word or phrase that helps determine the business name.
CONNECTOR 060 CTR And, or, with, etc. Used between names.
ATTENTION 061 ATTN Secondary name for business.
STREET-TYPE 100 STR-TYPE Street type. For example St., Ave., or Boulevard.
DIRECTION 101 DIR Street direction such as North or Northwest.
ROUTE 102 RTE Rural route, and so on.
BOX 103 –– A secondary box descriptor, as opposed to PO BOX.
POLE 104 POL Telephone pole used to identify address.
HIGHWAY 106 HWY Highway, Expressway, and so on.
APARTMENT 107 APT Apt., condo, etc.
FLOOR 108 FLR Floor, basement, penthouse, and so on.
UNIT 109 –– Unit, building, and so on. May stand alone in a recoded street pattern.
LOT 110 –– Perhaps a lot for a house not yet built.
DEPARTMENT 111 DEPT Department name.
SITE 112 –– Site, block, etc.
SUITE 113 –– Suite, Rooms, and so on.
HSNO 114 –– House number.
NUMBER 115 NMB A house or street number expressed as a word. For example, Ten, fifteen.
STREET-NAME 116 STR-NM Name of the street.
COMPLEX-TYPE 117 CPLX-TYPE Descriptor for the Complex-Name, such as House, Condos, Industrial Park.
COMPLEX-NAME 118 CPLX-NM Building, office complex, or industrial park name.
ROUTE-NUM 119 RTE-NUM Usually the value after ROUTE word.
BOX-NUM 120 –– Usually the value after BOX word.
POLE-NUM 121 POL-NUM Usually the value after the POLE word.
HIGHWAY-NUM 123 HWY-NUM Usually the value after the HIGHWAY word.
APARTMENT-NUM 124 APT-NUM The numeric value after the APARTMENT word.
FLOOR-NUM 125 FLR-NUM Usually the value after FLOOR word.
UNIT-NUM 126 –– Usually the value after UNIT word.
LOT-NUM 127 –– Usually the value after LOT word.
DEPARTMENT-NUM 128 DEPT-NUM Usually the value after DEPARTMENT word.
SITE-NUM 129 –– Usually the value after the SITE word.
SUITE-NUM 130 –– Usually the value after the SUITE word.
SEC-STR-TYPE 131 S-STR-TYPE Secondary street type, for streets with more than one, such as Hilltop Circle Lane.
POBOX 132 –– Post office box.
POBOX-NUM 133 –– PO Box number. Usually the value after the POBOX word.
S-DIRECTION 135 S-DIR Abbreviated direction such as N,S,E or W (vs. spelled out North, South, East, or West).
MILITARY-COMPLEX 136 M-CPLX Base, ship, etc.
S-CONNECTOR 137 S-CTR Street connector.
NUM-QUAL 139 N-Q Number qualifier. The number preceding the apartment number. For example "#", "no."
CITY 150 –– City name.
STATE 151 –– State name, or two-character abbreviation for a state.
PROVINCE 152 PRV Province, usually Canadian.
COUNTRY 153 CNTRY Name of the country.
COUNTY 154 –– Name of the county.

Neighborhood type.


Example (US):

25 Main Street

urb San Cristobal where "urb" is the NEIGHBORHHOD-TYPE

00736 Cayey, Puerto Rico

POSTCODE 156 PCODE The city postal code.
CITY-CHANGE 158 CITY-CHG Corrected spelling of city name.

Corrected mismatched province and city values, as well as spelling of a city name.


Examples (CA):




This attribute can also be used in place of the CITY-CHG attribute.

Example (CA):


NEIGHBORHOOD1 160 NEI1 In recode pattern, this can be used to concatenate multiple tokens into a single NEI1 or NEI2 token.
NEIGHBORHOOD2 162 NEI2 In recode pattern, this can be used to concatenate multiple tokens into a single NEI1 or NEI2 token.
TITLE-SUFFIX 163 TTLS Populates the suffix title, not the prefix title field.
GEOG 168 –– Indicates that the string is a general geographic data string.

Used to define words and phrases as vulgar.

Note: A file containing vulgar words can be obtained upon request from Trillium Software.
IGNORE 178 IGN Does not affect name/address, such as "et al".
CONCATENEE 179 CON Part of a name, street, or geography phrase.
CARE-OF 180 C-OF CD/O, In Care Of, and so on.
HOLD 181 HLD Used when a record has "hold mail" status.
STREET-TYPE1 199 STR-TYPE1 Leading street type. For example, Calle A or Avenue A.
ALPHA 201 –– Letters only.
NUMERIC 202 –– Numerals only.
1ALPHA 203


A single letter.
1NUMERIC 204 –– A single numeral.
ALPHA-1NUMERIC 205 –– Letters, followed by a single numeric.
NUMERIC-1ALPHA 206 –– Numerals followed by one letter.
ALPHA-NUMERIC 207 –– Mixture of letters and numbers.
NUMERIC-ALPHA 208 –– Numerals, followed by letters.
NUMERIC-1SPECIAL 209 –– Numerals followed by a special character*.
ALPHA-1SPECIAL 210 –– Letters followed by a special character*.
NUMERIC-SPECIAL 211 –– Numerals followed by special characters*.


Letters followed by special characters*.
OTHER-SPECIAL 213 –– Any characters other than letters and numerals, such as hex or packed decimal.
MIXED-NUMERIC 215 –– Any numeral characters that use a slash "/" or a hyphen "-".
HYPHEN 216 –– A hyphen (-).
STREET-TYPE-S 300 STR-TYPE-S Street type sub-token.
DIRECTION-S 301 DIR-S Direction sub-token.
ROUTE-S 302 RTE-S Route sub-token.
STREET-NAME-S 316 STR-NM-S Street name sub-token.
STREET-TYPE1-S 399 STR-TYPE1-S Leading street type sub-token.


(Customer Data Parser)

401 - 410


User-defined attributes. A maximum of ten user-defined attributes are available for the Customer Data Parser.

STREET-NAME2 416 STR-NM2 Name of the street.
STREET-TYPE2 499 STR-TYPE2 Street type, such as St., Ave., or Lane.
DIRECTION2 500 DIR2 Street direction, such as North, Northwest or NW.
S-DIRECTION2 501 S-DIR2 Single direction, such as North or South (vs. Direction which may be compound such as North West, etc.).


(Business Data Parser)

10001 - 10500 ––

User-defined attributes. A maximum of 500 user-defined attributes (categories) are available for the Business Data Parser.

*A special character is one that is not a letter, number, or hyphen.