Customizing Email Notifications Using Variables - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can use variables to create custom email notifications or modify existing email notifications in the Email Options window. The email notifications tell you whether an event is successful, completed, or failed. Out of the box, Trillium can notify repository users about the event status for

  • Business rule events
  • Export of List View rows
  • Data import (load) jobs

This table describes all the variables available in the Email options Builder window that you use to customize or create email notifications.

Variables Description
%ROW_COUNT% Number of rows loaded in a successful job (or failed to load in if an error occurs).
%JOB_ERROR% Unique ID that identifies an error when processing a job
%JOB_ID% Unique ID that identifies a job.
%JOB_CREATE_USER% User who creates a job.
%JOB_TYPE% Type of job – for example: create entity, create project, create join etc.
%JOB_METABASE% Repository which has the entity, business rule or project etc you are processing.
%JOB_ENTITY_ID% Unique ID of the entity you are processing.
%JOB_STATE% State of the job you are processing.
%JOB_MODIFIED_TIME% Time when you modified the job.
%JOB_SCHEDULED_TIME% Time when the job is scheduled to run.
%JOB_START_USER% User who ran the job.
%JOB_CREATE_TIME% Time when the job was created.
%JOB_PRIORITY% Priority of the job.
%JOB_NAME% Name of the job (you can customize the job name or keep the default name).
%JOB_WEIGHT% The job weight for business rule jobs executed in the scheduler.
%JOB_MODIFIED_USER% User who modified and then ran the job.
Additional variables for email notification for business rules
@EXPRESSION Expression used in the business rule.
@PASSSING_FRACTION Percentage of rows that passed the rule.
@_EDITED_DATE Date at which the business rule was modified (different from the date it was created).
@EDITED_BY User who modified the rule.
@_CREATED_DATE Date at which the business rule was created.
@CREATED_BY User who created the business rule.
@THRESHOLD_PERCENT Threshold percentage defined in the rule. A passing fraction equal to or above the threshold is necessary for a rule to pass.
@NAME Name of the business rule.
@DESCRIPTION Description of the business rule.
@FAIL_COUNT Number of rows that failed when you ran the business rule.
@RESULT The result of running the business rule – either pass or fail.
@CHECK True if the rule is enabled, false otherwise.
@ENTITY_NAME Name of the entity in which the rule is contained (valid for EBR only).
@ATTRIBUTE_NAME Name of the attribute in which the rule is contained (valid for ABR only).
@FIRST_ERROR Error message for the first failing row.
@TEST_TYPE For attribute rules, this shows the transformation type being tested against. For example mask/soundex/pattern etc.
@THRESHOLD_TYPE Threshold percentage set can be for the type rows or for the type values (valid ABRs only).
@LIBRARY The associated library containing the rule.
@INHERITING Whether the rule has been inherited from the library or not.