Getting Started - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Before you begin working with Trillium, you should develop a data quality and governance plan that meets your business goals and data objectives. Using your plan as a guide, your system administrator will perform the following tasks:

  • Install Trillium.
  • Create and configure a repository in a Trillium repository server.
  • Create loader connections to data sources for your work.
  • Configure repository users.
  • Configure loader connection settings for optimum performance.

These administrative tasks are described in the Installation Guide and the Repository Administrator's Guide. After they have been completed, you can begin to use Trillium. The basic getting-started steps are described below.

  1. Verify repository and loader connections with your administrator. 

    If you do not have Repository Manager privileges, verify that your Trilliumadministrator has set up a repository for you to use and ask for the repository name. You need this to log in to the Control Center.

    Also verify that a loader connection to your data source has been created. You need this when you create an entity.

  2. Log in to Trillium and familiarize yourself with the user interface.

    See the Tour section of the online Help to learn about Trillium and the components of the Control Center. As you begin to work with data, refer back to the Tour topics to learn how to manipulate List View data and resize window panes.

  3. Create an entity

    An entity is an object stored in a repository as a virtual image of the data table or file with which you want to work. When you work with an entity, you are not overwriting any data that physically exists in your data source, but instead working with a copy of it. You can also create an entity from a data file on your system, bypassing the dependency on a loader connection. This is useful when you want to quickly upload a sample data file from your local system to the Control Center for analysis.

    Alternatively, you can create a dynamic entity, which links directly to an external data source and allows you to profile your data in real time.

  4. Create a project.

    How you create and manage the projects in Trillium depends on your business needs and data quality management setup. Each of the three data quality applications has its own project type.

    The Basic Steps section of the online help provides an overview of the steps required to create a project. You will find more specific procedures in the Baseline Analysis, Time Series, and Quality sections of the online help.

  5. Open a project and start to work

    See the Baseline Analysis, Time Series, Join Projects, and Quality sections of the online help for the detailed information you'll need to perform tasks within the applications.

    Use cases are available to guide you through performing many often-used tasks and procedures, such as: