A row may contain a NULL (empty) value for an attribute. You can examine NULL values for specific attributes or identify which rows across an entity contain NULLs by examining entity metadata. Metadata;Attributes (Entities)
To examine NULL count rows in a specific attribute
- In the Navigation View, click the Discover bar, then click the Entities tab.
- Expand the entity that contains the attribute whose duplicate rows you want to examine.
- Click the attribute.
The Summary Data View opens for the selected attribute. (If the view does not open, click the Metadata Summaries icon on the Home tab.)
- Click the Content Summary tab, then click Completeness to expand it.
- Note the Null Count, if any.
- If NULL rows exist, click Null Count to open a List View of rows in which there are NULL values for the selected attribute.
To examine rows with NULL values in an entity
- In the Navigation View, click the Discover bar, then click the Entities tab.
- Click the entity with which you want to work.
The Summary Data View opens for the selected entity. (If the view does not open, click the Metadata Summaries icon on the Home tab.)
- On the About tab, expand Source Properties and note the Attribute Count for this entity.
- Under View Details, click Row Value Counts.
The Attribute Value Counts List View opens.
- Examine the row value counts.
To view rows with NULLs, note any row that shows a Value that is less than the total number of attributes in the entity, if any.
- List View columns:
Column Name
Contains a code that equals the number of fields found in one or more rows
Shows the number of rows that have the same number of fields, based on the value in the Value column
Shows as a percentage how much of the attribute contains the value
- Example
This table shows the example data imported as a single entity.
id First Last Phone 1234 Jane Smith (512) 555-4657 4567 John (414) 386-2309 9909 Charles Jones 6782 (777) 967-9087
When you double-click Row count values for the entity, you get the following statistics:
Value Frequency Dist% 2 1 25.000 3 2 50.000 4 1 25.000 This means that one (1) row has two (2) attributes with non-NULL values. Two (2) rows have three (3) attributes, and one (1) row has four (4) attributes. The row value count is derived in the following way:
1 One (1) row has two (2) attributes + 1 Two (2) rows have three (3) attributes + 1 One (1) row has four (4) attributes 3 Total = row value counts
- Example
The attribute metadata value indicates the number of attributes (field values) in a row, therefore any row that has fewer than this number must contain NULL values (blank fields). If an entity has an attribute metadata number equal to "
", you would look for any row that has a value of less than "4