Modifying Attribute Properties - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Attribute properties are different from attribute metadata. Attribute properties are details about an attribute external to the data in each field and column. Typically, a property is specified by an administrator or user and determines information such as the type of statistics gathered, indexes, and joins. You can modify the properties for each attribute in an entity.

In the Attribute Properties window you modify the following:

  • Change the attribute name that displays in a List View.
  • Enter a business description of the attribute.
  • Include the attribute in a join analysis, or remove it from the next analysis.
  • Select to create an index for the attribute when the index job is run, or remove it from an index job.
  • Run a job that analyzes statistics for the attribute based on options and rules that you select.
Note: You can modify properties for one or multiple attributes at a time. When modifying properties for multiple attributes, you cannot change the name or business description; these can only be edited when you modify a single attribute.

To modify attribute properties

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To analyze a single attribute: In the Navigation View or a List View of attributes, right-click the attribute whose properties you want to modify.
    • To analyze multiple attributes: Right-click an entity and select Drill down to derived metadata rules. In the Derived Metadata Rules List View, highlight all attributes whose properties you want to modify and right-click the selection.
  2. Select Attribute Properties or Selected Attribute Properties. The Attribute Properties window opens showing the General tab.
  3. In the Attribute field, edit the attribute name if needed. A default name is assigned during the data import process, but you can modify the name.
    Note: For multiple attributes, this field shows the number of attributes selected.
  4. In the Business Description field, modify the brief description of the attribute. (For multiple attributes, this field does not display.)
  5. Check the Include in Joins: box if you wish to have the attribute considered for potential joins when the join analysis is run.
  6. Check the Create Index box if you wish to create an index for this attribute.
  7. Click the Analysis tab.
  8. Under Derived Metadata Rules, select those properties you want included in the analysis.
    • To perform a phrase analysis, check Phrases, and specify the number of words per phrase, frequency count to use during the search, and configure ignore words.
    Note: For more information, see Analyzing Word Phrases in an Attribute. If you are running a phrase analysis for the Business Data Parser process, see Analyzing Phrases in a BDP Attribute.
    • If you are working with numeric data you can perform a statistical analysis by selecting one or both of the following:
      • Percentile. A rank which indicates the position of an attribute value in terms of percentage in a particular attribute in sorted order. You must run percentile analysis before you can use business rules with the statistics functions PERCENTRANK, MEDIAN, and QUARTILES.
      • Std. Deviation.A measure of how spread out the values for a numeric attribute are from the attribute's numeric average value. You must run std. deviation analysis before you can use business rules with the statistics functions ISOUTLIER, VARIANCE, and STDDEV.
    Note: If one or both options are disabled, either the analysis has already been run or the attribute does not contain numeric data.
  9. Check Analyze Now to start the analysis immediately when you click OK.
    • If you select the Phrases option, but do not check Analyze Now, the phrase analysis will run with the next scheduled job.
    • If you click Configure Ignore words option to add ignore words, the Analyze Now option is selected but disabled.
  10. Click OK.