Generating Recode Value Look-Up Tables - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can generate and export recoded distinct values as a physical file and configure the TS Quality Transformer functions to use it as a look-up table for recoding data formats such as time, dates, names, and addresses.

Note the following:

  • The export process saves two files to the export location: a file listing the recodes and original values, and a .ddx file containing XML of the recode.
  • By default all recodes for an attribute are exported together to be included in the mask look-up table.
  • The recode table includes only records for values that were actually recoded. If there are values that remained unchanged, these are not included in the output file.
  • If the Transformer is unable to find a value in the look-up table, it leaves the value unchanged.

To generate a recode value look-up table

  1. Recode values for an attribute. See Recoding Data Values
  2. Examine the two new columns in the attribute's value List View: Value Recode and Value Recoded?. These are the values that will be exported to a recode value look-up table.
  3. Right-click any row in the List View and select Export as Recodes…. The Export Recodes in Trillium format window opens.
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. In the File field, enter the file path including the unique name for the output file. The file will be saved to the default repository export directory unless you specify a different directory.
    2. For Export, Values is selected by default.
    3. For Field Width, choose either Auto or Select.
      Note: If you do not specify a name, the file will not be saved.


      Truncation Role


      If selected, the default field length will be twice the length of the longest value.


      Is selected, specify a required length up to 100 bytes.

    4. For Encoding, select an encoding option. The default is Server Native.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Now to generate the recode table. (Click Later schedule a date and time to run the job.)
  7. (Optional) To verify the export, navigate to the repository export directory on your system and open the export file with a text editor like Notepad or WordPad.
    Note: If the file was not exported, run the process again ensuring to enter a unique name for the file.