Examining Distinct Values - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Each attribute contains a set of distinct values. Generating a list of attribute values allows you to see how often a value is repeated within an attribute, which rows contain the value, and which attributes contain more distinct values than others. By following these steps, you identify distinct values and how often they occur in a particular attribute.

To list distinct values and value distribution

  1. In the Navigation View, locate and expand the entity with which you want to work.
  2. Right-click an attribute and select Drill down to metadata.

    A List View of the attribute's metadata opens.

  3. Navigate to the Values row. Note the number of distinct values in the current attribute in the Value column.
  4. Note the Value Dist% row. The Value column displays a percentage that indicates how distinct the values in the current attribute are.
    Note: The higher the percentage, the higher the number of values that occur only once, and therefore, the greater the level of distinct values.

List all distinct values in an attribute and how often they occur

To list all distinct values in an attribute and how often they occur

In the attribute's metadata List View, double-click the Values row.

The Values List View displays. Note the following:

  • The Value column displays the value name.
  • The Frequency column displays the number of times the value occurs in the attribute.

  • The Dist% column displays the percentage of how much of the attribute contains the value.

List specific rows containing distinct values

To list specific rows containing distinct values

  1. From the Values List View, highlight one or more rows.
  2. Right-click and select Drill down to matching rows.

    The List View displays all attribute rows that contain the selected value(s).