Creating and Managing Synonyms - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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When you create a word definition table, you can optionally create synonyms of original values to correct misspellings and identify words in the output. For more information about using synonyms in the parser, see Synonyms.

Create a synonym

Note: You cannot create a synonym for words or phrases that have not yet been defined.

To create a synonym

  1. Open the word definition table and select or create a word definition table.
  2. Select Manage Synonyms. The Manage Synonyms window opens.
  3. To add a synonym, click Add new synonym.
  4. Enter a word or phrase for a synonym in the Synonym column and select the original value from the Of column.
  5. Click Save to save the synonyms.

Search a synonym

To search a synonym

  1. Enter the string to search in the Search Synonyms and/or Of field and press Enter. The synonyms list will be updated to display only those word/phrase with the matching name.
    Note: Search strings are not case sensitive.
  2. To search substring, select the Use Substring check box. The substring search will look for word/phrase that contain a specified string anywhere in the attribute name.
  3. To clear the search click Clear.

Sort synonyms

To sort synonyms

Click the Synonym column header to sort in ascending and descending order.

Delete a synonym

To delete a synonym

  1. Check the Select check box next to the synonym you want to delete. To select all synonyms, click the Select column header.
  2. Click Delete synonyms.
  3. Click Save.