Adding and Managing Word Definition Categories - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Categories are attribute types that help define patterns the Business Data Parser (BDP) uses to standardize data. You can specify a maximum of 500 categories. When the BDP process runs, all data is placed in output attributes according to how the data is categorized and the category names will replace the default attribute names, BP_USER1 -500.

The Single type category names will replace BP_USER1 - 25 and the Multi type category names will replace BP_USER26 -500. All related BP_USERx, BP_USERx_DISPLAY and BP_DATA_PRESENT_USERx attribute names will be replaced with the format of category_RECODE, category, and category_DATA_PRESENT, respectively. For example, if you have a category called "YEAR," the output attribute names will be YEAR_RECODE, YEAR, and YEAR_DATA_PRESENT.

By default, a business data project includes only 50 output attributes (BP_USER1 - 50) in the output schema. You must add additional attributes to the output schema if you use more than 50 categories. If you use less than 50 categories, you can remove unused BP_USERx attributes by selecting the "Automatically remove unused attributes" option when importing the tables. See Importing an Ignore Word Table and Word Definition Table about removing unused attributes.  

Add a word definition category

To add a word definition category

  1. Open the word definition table.
  2. Click Manage categories. The Manage Categories window opens.
  3. Click Add new category.
  4. For Name, enter the name of the category.
  5. For Type, select Single or Multi type using the following guidelines:
    • Single. The single type does not allow concatenation in the output; you only specify one word or phrase in a single category. Create a maximum of 25 single categories.
    • Multi. The Multi type allows concatenation of words and phrases in the output. Therefore, all words and phrases found for a multi category will be concatenated in the output attribute for that category. Create a maximum of 475 multiple categories.
  6. Repeat Step 3 though 5 to create all categories you need.
  7. Click Save to save the changes and close the Manage Categories window.

Search a category

To search a category

  1. Enter the string to search in the Search Categories field and press Enter. The list will be updated to display only those categories with the matching name.
    Note: Search strings are not case sensitive.
  2. To search substring, select the Use Substring check box. The substring search will look for categories that contain a specified string anywhere in the category name.
  3. To clear the search click Clear.

Sort categories

To sort categories

Click the Name column header to sort in ascending and descending order.

Delete or reassign a category

To delete or reassign a category

  1. Check the Select check box next to the category name you want to delete or reassign. To select all categories, click the Select column header.
  2. Click Delete categories. If any words/phrases are assigned to the category, the Edit Category section opens at the bottom.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Yes, delete the records to delete selected categories and associated words and phrases.
    • Click No, reassign the records to reassign the word and phrases to a different category. Select a category from the list which the word and phrases will be reassigned to.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Save to close the Manage Categories window.