You can apply one or more formatting options to an open Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and then save it.
To format an ERD
- In the Navigation View, click the Analysis tab.
- Expand Joins>Permanent Joins.
Right-click the Permanent Join with which you want to work and select Entity Relationship Diagram.
The ERD Diagram opens.
Access the ERD menu as follows:
- Clicking the ERD tab. (This tab displays when you open an ERD.)
- Right-click the ERD white space.
From the ERD menu, apply the following formats:
Menu Option
Center on Entity
Allows you to select an entity on which to center the diagram.
Exports the diagram as a single file.
Fit to window size
Fits the diagram to the current window size.
Load Layout
Opens a diagram you have saved.
Revert to default layout
Removes any formatting that you have applied.
Save Layout
Saves the diagram to your system as a .lay file.
Show/Hide Entities
Allows you to select the entities that you want hidden or shown in the diagram.
Toggle Compound Join Details
If multiple attribute joins exist, toggles whether or not all attributes in the join display. (You can also click the +/- icons in the join diagram.)
Zoom in
Makes the diagram larger. (Also available as a mouse wheel scroll option.)
Zoom out
Makes the diagram smaller. (Also available as a mouse wheel scroll option.)
- To hide a single entity, right-click the entity and select Hide Entity.
- To open a List View of metadata for all attributes in a join entity, right-click the entity and select View member Attributes metadata.
- To move the ERD within the workspace, click and drag the diagram entities.
Save the ERD as needed.