Business rules are business-centric data expressions that define how a business manages information to achieve data quality goals. In the financial services and risk compliance industry, they can become complex expressions and often times there will be hundreds of rules. You may have to frequently update the rules to keep up with changes in regulatory laws or to profile large amounts of raw data that are added to the system.
To manage and run business rules efficiently to achieve your data quality goals, you can group Library Business Rules (both EBRs and ABRs) into folders and sub-folders. You can add a business rule to multiple folders and sub-folders if necessary.
Note: You cannot add a business rule into the Rule Groups folder if it has not been promoted
to the Business Rules Library.
Grouping Library Business Rules:
- Allows you to organize library business rules into separate folders and sub-folders, according to your business needs. You can group rules according to your organizational needs, geographic regions, business groups or any other requirement.
- Allows you to run multiple rules grouped in a folders (and sub-folders) at one time, saving you time and effort.
- Allows you to re-run frequently used rules grouped in a folder or sub-folder.
- Allows you to view the results of business rules analysis of all rules in the group folder or sub-folder.