Promoting EBRs to Library Entities - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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To create a centralized, shareable library EBR, you promote an existing EBR to a new or existing library entity. A library entity contains a collection of associated library rules and library attributes.

You also create an association between the real attribute that contains the rule and a new or existing library attribute. During the promotion process, you have the choice to copy the rule to the Library and keep an association to the original rule, make a copy without associations, or copy the rule and delete the original.

Note: Deleted rules cannot be retrieved or restored.
Guidelines: Note the following when promoting EBRs:
  • Multiple rules can apply to the same attribute.
  • You need create and edit permissions on the target library entity to promote a rule to it.
  • You can copy an EBR to more than one library attribute.
  • Rules do not have to be associated to an entity if they share the same attribute(s).
  • If you promote a rule by moving the rule to the library and creating an association, you cannot promote the rule to another library entity unless the association is removed.

To promote an EBR

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Discover bar, then click the Entities tab.
  2. Right-click the entity with which you want to work, and select Business rules >Drill down to entity business rules. The EBRs associated with the entity display in the List View.
  3. In the Entity Business Rules List View, select one or more rules.
  4. Right-click the rule(s) and select Library rules >Promote rule.
    Note: Derived rules cannot be promoted. If you select a derived rule, or multiple rules including a derived rule, the Promote Rule option is grayed out.

    The Entity Business Rule – Promote to library window opens. The names of the selected rules display in the Selected Rules field.

  5. In the Promote option section, select one of the following:
    • Move rule to library entity and create association – This copies the rule to the library and maintains a connection to the original (which will thereafter display as derived). Changes made to the library rule will be reflected in the derived rule.
    • Copy rule to library entity – This creates a library rule copy of the original. The copy will have no connection to the original. Check the Delete originalrule box if you want the original rule deleted.
  6. In the Promote selected rules to library entity section, do one of the following:
    • In the Library Entity Name column, create a new library entity by selecting the New field and entering a unique entity name and description.
    • Select an existing library entity.
  7. Click Next.
    Note: If the entity already contains a rule with the same name, you are alerted and must modify the name before you continue.

    A list of attributes used in the business rule(s) displays.

  8. Associate, or map, each attribute to a new or existing library attribute. By default, new library attributes display the names of the source attributes. Retain these default names or enter new names.
    Note: All attributes in the Library must have unique names.
  9. Click Finish to complete the business rule promotion.
    Note: If the entity already contains an attribute with the same name, you are alerted and must modify the name before you continue.

    Note the following:

    • If you moved the business rule and created an association, the Derived column displays yes and the Library column displays the name of the library entity to which you promoted the rule.
    • If you made a copy of the business rule, the original rule remains.
    • If you made a copy of the business rule and deleted the rule, the original rule is removed from the List View.
  10. To re-analyze the rules in the Entity Business Rule List View, see Running Business Rule Analysis.
  11. Associate entities, as needed.
    Note: If you make changes to these associations and rules, you may see the rule status as mapping reqd in the Entity Business Rules List View.
    Note: To edit the expression elements of a derived rule only, you must disassociate it from the rules library.