Editing Attribute Mappings - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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When you associate entities, you also map library attributes to real attributes. If necessary, you can edit attribute mappings after you associate entities. For example, if you modify an EBR, the changes may affect associations with entities and attributes.

There are two ways to edit attribute mappings:

  • From the Business Rules List View
  • From the Library Entities Icon View

Edit mappings from the Entity Business Rules List View

To edit mappings from the Entity Business Rules List View

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Entities tab.
  2. Right-click the entity with which you want to work and select Business rules > Drill down to entity business rules.

    The Entity Business Rules List View displays.

  3. Right-click one or more rules that have been derived from a library entity, and select Library Rules > Edit Mappings.

    The Map Attributes window opens.

  4. Clicking the [...] button, select real attributes you want mapped to the library attributes.
  5. (Optional) Check the Re-Analyze updated rules box to run a rule analysis.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. If you chose to re-analyze the rule, you are prompted to run the analysis now or later. If you do not re-analyze the rule now, its status in the Entity Business Rules List View remains analysis reqd until you run the analysis.
    Note: After you re-analyze a rule, you can check the associated entity and see how the analysis affected failing and passing rows.

Edit mappings from the Library Entities Icon View

To edit mappings from the Library Entities Icon View

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Library tab.
  2. Expand Business Rules.
  3. Right-click Entity Business Rules and select Open or Open in new window.

    The Library Entities window opens.

  4. Right-click the entity with which you want to work and select Edit Mappings.

    The Attribute Mapping window opens.

  5. Select an associated entity and click Next.

    The Map Attributes window displays.

  6. Clicking the [...] button, select real attributes you want to map to the library attributes.
  7. (Optional) Click the Re-Analyze updated rules check box to run a rule analysis.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. If you chose to re-analyze the rule, you are prompted to run the analysis now or later. If you do not re-analyze the rule now, its status in the Entity Business Rules List View remains analysis reqd until you run the analysis.
    Note: After you re-analyze a rule, you can check the associated entity and see how the analysis affected failing and passing rows.