Associating Library Entities - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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After you promote an entity business rule to a library entity, you then associate the real entity that contains the rule with a new or existing library entity. During the associating process you also map attributes in the library entity to attributes in the real entity.

You can also create an association to a library EBR (and any promoted EBRs) from a real entity, adding a derived EBR to an entity and retaining the connection.

Note: Associations are made at the entity level; associations for a library entity create associations for all rules and attributes contained in the entity.
Guidelines: Note the following when associating library entities:
  • You can associate a library entity to one or more entities available in the Control Center, including entities used in Quality processes.
  • If a derived EBR's Status column reads mapping reqd, this indicates the entity has been promoted but not yet associated.
  • You can associate a library entity to a real entity, and vice versa.
Note: You must promote a business rule to at least one library entity before you can associate entities.

Associate a real entity

To associate a real entity

  1. In the Navigation View, right-click an entity and select Business rules > Drill down to entity business rules. The Entity Business Rule List View opens.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select one or more EBRs, right-click, and select Library rules >Associate.
    • Right-click in the List View white space and select Library rules >Associate.

    The Associate Library Entity window opens.

  3. Select the library entities to which you want to associate, and click Next. The Map Attributes window displays.
  4. Map each library attribute to a real attribute by accepting the default attributes or selecting other attributes in the drop-down list.
  5. Click Finish to save the entity associations and attribute mappings.
  6. Re-analyze any derived rules as needed to view the results against the current real entity. For more information about running rule analysis, see Running Business Rule Analysis.

Associate a library entity

 To associate a library entity

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Library tab.
  2. Expand Business Rules, right-click Entity Business Rules, and select Open or Open in new window. The Library Entities window displays.
  3. Right-click the library entity with which you want to work, and select Associate. The Associate Entity window opens.
  4. Select one or more entities to which you want to associate, and click Next. The Map Attributes window displays.
  5. Map each library attribute to a real attribute by accepting the default attributes or selecting other attributes in the drop-down list.
  6. Click Finish to save the entity associations and attribute mappings.
  7. Re-analyze any derived rules as needed to view the results against the target entity. For more information about running rule analysis, see Running Business Rule Analysis.