Associating Library Attributes - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Associating library attribute business rule attributes is a way of creating a connection between the ABRs in a library attribute and those in a real attribute. Associations are created when you promote a rule to the Library; this procedure describes an alternative way to create associations.

Associating attributes adds derived rules to the real attribute. Derived rules correspond to rules in the library attribute. Changes made to the ABR in the Library propagate to the corresponding derived rules.

Note: Associations are made at the attribute level; associations for a library attribute create associations for all rules contained in that library attribute.
Guidelines: Note the following when associating library attributes:
  • You can associate a library attribute to one or more real attributes in any real entity available in the Control Center, including those used in Quality processes.
  • After you edit a library ABR, if necessary re-analyze any associated derived rules to view the results against the current real attribute.
  • You can associate a library attribute to a real attribute, and vice versa.

Associate a library attribute

 To associate a library attribute

  1. In the Navigation View or Library Attribute Icon View, right-click the Attribute Business Rules library attribute you want to associate to a real attribute and select Associate.

    The Associate Attribute window opens.

  2. Select an entity from the list.
  3. In the Associate with Attributes section, select one or more attributes in the entity to associate.
  4. Click Finish.

    A message displays the name of the library attribute, and its associated real entity and attributes.

  5. Click Close.
  6. To view the newly-associated derived rules, navigate to the real attribute(s), right-click the attribute name, and select Business rules > Drill down to attribute business rules.

    The Attribute Business Rules List View displays. Note that the newly-associated derived rules display yes in the Derived column and the name of the library attribute in the Library column. For information about derived rules and how to edit them, see Editing Derived Rules.

  7. (Optional) To open an Icon View of all attributes associated with a library attribute, right-click the attribute and select Open associated attributes.

Associate a real attribute

To associate a real attribute

  1. In the Navigation View, right-click the attribute you want to associate to a library attribute and select Business rules >Associate.

    The Associate Attribute window opens.

  2. In the Associate with Library Attributes section, select one or more attributes. Only attributes that are not already associated with the attribute display.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Open a List View of rules in the attribute. Note the newly-associated derived rules display yes in the Derived column and the name of the library attribute in the Library column. For information about derived rules and how to edit them, see Editing Derived Rules.