About Library ABRs - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Library attribute business rules (ABRs) allow you to create and maintain sets of ABRs and store them in a central location, accessible by other users logged on to the current repository.

With the Attribute Business Rules Library you:

  • Store the Standard library attribute. The Standard attribute houses the ABRs that run compliance checks against all attributes when you create an entity, importing data into the current repository.
  • Create additional library attributes to store reusable library ABRs. You can add as many library attributes as you need. ABRs can be associated to real attributes, helping manage a consistent library of standards.
  • Promote ABRs to the Library, and keep an association between rules, remove any associations, or delete the original rule.
  • Set security permissions for library ABRs and attributes. For more information, see Using Windows Authentication Security.
  • Add categories to rules.
  • Manage rule categories and priorities.


Note the following when working with the Attribute Business Rules Library:

  • ABRs are added to the Library by either promoting an existing ABR to a library attribute or creating a new ABR in a library attribute.
  • All library ABRs are stored in library attributes. You can add and delete rules from library attributes, and add and delete attributes from the Library.
  • When you promote an ABR to a library attribute, you can create an association between the library attribute and the real attribute in which the original rule is contained. You can also associate a library attribute (and all contained rules) to real attributes. This creates derived rules in the target attribute. When you update rules in the library attribute, the changes propagate to the derived rule, which you can re-analyze (if necessary) to view the updated results for that real attribute.
  • You can copy any library ABR into a real attribute to be used as a stand-alone rule. With these copies there is no connection retained between original and copy.

About the Standard Library Attribute

When you first install Trillium, the Attribute Business Rules Library includes one attribute named Standard(1). The Standard attribute contains ten ABRs that (when enabled) copies all enabled Standard ABRs to new entities as they are created to act as universal compliance checks for attributes.

Note: Your TSS administrator must select the Copy standard attribute business rules to attributes option in the Repository Manager before the rules can be automatically copied to the attributes in new entities. Out-of-the-box, this setting is not enabled.

Modifying ABRs in the Standard attribute affects all compliance checks run against subsequent data imports, although the metadata for entities that have already been imported will not change.

  • Disabled ABRs in the Standard attribute are not run against loaded attributes.
  • The Standard attribute cannot be deleted and should not be renamed.

For more information about the default compliance checks, see Out-of-the-box Attribute Business Rules.