Business Rules Library - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Business Rules Library is a centralized location where entity and attribute business rules are stored and shared. The Business Rules Library:

  • Can be accessed by multiple users to share rules across projects and entities, both real and dynamic.
  • Is available from the Library tab on both the Discover and Develop bars.
  • Groups rules to help minimize maintenance and duplication of effort, avoid confusion, and maintain the standards you use to keep data quality consistent in your business.
  • Contains the Standard attribute in which ABR compliance rules applied to all attributes upon data import are stored and managed.
  • Allows you to add new business rules by copying library rules to real entities and attributes.
  • Is accessible from Quality processes, allowing library ABRs and EBRs to be used when setting conditions, running attribute transformations, and filtering input and output rows. (Library rules used in Quality processes retain no connection to the Library.)
  • Allows you to import and export library business rules to use across multiple repositories and as a method of version control.
  • Allows you to set the security permissions for library objects. For more information, see Using Windows Authentication Security.

Entity Business Rules

After you create and validate an EBR, you can promote it to the Library to be a shareable, centralized rule. You can keep associations with the original rule so when you update the EBR in the Library, the changes propagate wherever the rule is used, including the original.

With the Entity Business Rules Library, you:

  • Make decisions about how objects are affected by rule modifications.
  • Import and export library entities that contain EBRs to be used across multiple repositories.

Attribute Business Rules

After you create and validate an ABR, you can promote it to the Library to be a shareable, centralized rule. You can keep associations with the original rule so when you update the ABR in the Library, the changes propagate wherever the rule is used, including the original. You can create additional Attribute Business Rule library attributes and populate them with ABRs created in the Library or promoted from ABRs outside the Library.

With the Attribute Business Rules Library, you:

  • Manage ABR compliance behavior that affects all future data loads by customizing the ABRs contained in the Standard attribute. These ABRs run compliance checks against all attributes each time you load new data into the Control Center.
  • Import and export library attributes that contain ABRs to be used across multiple repositories.


More information

Click the links below to find out more about how to use library business rules to help assess your data compliance:

Working with all library business rules:

Working with Library Attribute Business Rules:

Working with Library Entity Business Rules:

Working with Business Rules: