Using the Expression Builder Window - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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For information about changing an existing business rule in the Expression Builder, see Editing a Business Rule.

The Expression Builder provides the functions, attributes, literals, and operators you need to build expressions appropriate for the context in which you are working; for example, if you are working in the "HR_Employee" entity, you are able to select only attributes appropriate to that entity and include them in an expression.

The Expression Builder provides the functions, attributes, literals, and operators you need to build expressions appropriate for the context in which you are working; for example, if you are working in the "HR_Employee" entity, you are able to select only attributes appropriate to that entity and include them in an expression.

The Expression Builder Window

The type of Expression Builder window you use depends on the expression you are creating and the context within the Control Center. For example, if you are building an entity business rule, you will work in the Entity Business Rule Add Rule Expression Builder. All Expression Builders include a text field in which to build your expression and display available elements and operator icons.

Business Rule Elements

When you create or edit a business rule, Expression Builders have the following additional elements:

  • Enabled. When this check box is selected, the rule is active. When cleared, the rule is inactive. A rule that is not enabled remains in the entity but cannot be analyzed or re-analyzed.
  • Status. In Expression Builder windows, the current condition of a rule is represented by one of three icons:
    • Green check. Rule has been run (analyzed) and has passed threshold compliance. A rule that is not enabled also displays the green check.
    • Question mark. Displays as you create the rule.
    • Exclamation mark. Rule has been run and has either failed threshold compliance or has been modified and needs to be re-analyzed.
  • Name. The name of the business rule.
  • Description. Business description of the rule.
  • Passing threshold. The percentage of the rule that, when analyzed, is determined to be passing or failing. For example, if you need to determine if any value is empty, build a rule to measure the percentage of rows that have a null value and set the threshold to 100%. ABRs have the option of selecting a threshold for the percentage of either rows or values.
  • Index Control. For EBRs, the type of index set determines how the Control Center manages business rule drill-down performance:
    • Normal. An index is created for failing rows, up to the default threshold. (Out-of-the-box, this default is set at 10,000.) If the number of returned failing rows is higher than the default threshold, no index is created.
    • Unlimited. A full index is created for all failing rows.
    • Limited. Limits the number of failing rows indexed, as well as the number of failing rows returned, up to the number entered in the Index Threshold field.
  • Priority. The user-defined numeric ID value used to rank the importance of the rule depending on your business needs.
  • Categories. Displays any category and subcategory metadata associated with the rule as a link. Click a link to see all rules associated with the category or subcategory.
  • Impact (library business rules only). Shows a list of the library objects (attributes and entities) associated with the library rule that will be affected by any change to the rule.
  • Entity Business Rule Advanced Options. When creating or modifying an EBR, use the Filter By, Group By, and Aggregate By options to refine the results of the rule.