You use the Business Rules Search Engine to search for business rules in the current repository by selecting various metadata elements and entering free form text. Refine your search by adding categories and subcategories. For example, you can search all entity business rules in a repository, including library EBRs, by category, priority, and rule creator. Or, you can search for all rules by words or phrases in rule names.
See available business rule search criteria:
- Categories and subcategories.
- Priority that defines the impact and importance of a rule.
- Search area, either rules in the Business Rule Library, rules not contained in the Library, or both.
- Business rule type, either attribute business rule, entity business rule, or both.
- User name of rule creator.
- Business rule name and description.
- More about how the search works:
Searches using a rule's priority, name, description, or creator are all searched with an implied AND; each must all be true to return a rule. Search Area and Business Rule Type are searched with an implied OR; if any of the checkboxes are true then the rule will be returned. Categories and subcategories are also searched with an implied OR; if any of the category or subcategory selections are present in a given rule, the rule will be returned.
- Business rules that you do not have permission to view will not be included in
search results (this includes rules in entities that you cannot access).
- User name, business rule name, and description searches support use of the
asterisk (*) wild card character.
- The search returns both enabled and disabled business rules.
- The expression elements used to build business rules, such as attributes,
functions, and literal values, are not searchable.
- Search performance can vary depending on your search criteria. For example,
running a search over ABRs and EBRs may take longer than searching over EBRs only.
- You can also search for business rules associated with categories and
subcategories when you create and edit a business rule.
To search business rules
From the Discover bar, right-click the Entities tab and select Search business rules. Alternatively, in the Control Center ribbon, click the Rules icon
and then select Search Rules.
The Business Rule Search Engine window opens.
Under Search Area, select either Business rules (the default), Library rules, or both. (You must select at least one.)
Under Business Rule Type, select either Attribute business rules, Entity business rules (the default), or both. (You must select at least one.)
Note: If you run a search over both rule types, the time it takes to calculate the
results may increase depending on your rule set.
Select or populate at least one of the following search options:
Priority. To search by rule priority, in the Priority drop-down list, select a number ID.
by. To search by the user who created the rule or rules, in the Created by field, enter the user name. (This field supports the wild card (*) search option.)
Name and Description. To search the name and/or description of the rule, enter words or phrases in the Name and/or Description fields. (These fields support the wild card (*) search option.)
Category. To search categories:
- Select a category in the Category column.
- Click Add. The category is added to the bottom window.
- Add more categories as needed.
- To remove a category from the list, select it and click Remove.
Subcategory. To search subcategories:
- Select a category in the Category column. Associated subcategories
display in the Subcategory column.
- Select a subcategory.
- Click Add. The category and subcategory are added to the bottom
window, separated by a colon. For example, Subject Area:Business Loan.
- Add more subcategories as needed.
- To remove a category:subcategory from the list, select it and click
When you have entered all your search criteria, click Search.
The Business Rules Search Result view opens, displaying the rules that meet the search criteria. EBRs are grouped by corresponding entity and ABRs are grouped by corresponding attribute and entity.
Note: The results take a few seconds or more to display, depending on the search
criteria and how many rules are searched. For example, if you have hundreds or
thousands of rules, and you search over both rule types and search areas, the
search will take longer to run.
Results display in the following default columns:
Rules. Name of the rule.
Entity. Name of the entity in which the rule resides.
Attribute. Name of the attribute in which the rule resides (ABRs only).
Library Entity. Name of Library Entity to which an EBR has been associated.
Library Attribute. Name of the Library Attribute to which an ABR has been associated.
Priority. ID of the priority associated with the rule.
Description. Rule description.
Created By. Username of the user who created the rule.
Created Date. Date the rule was created.
To display all available columns, including the Rule Categories column:
Open the Choose List View Columns window by right-clicking a column title.
Select Choose Columns.
Click Show All to move all hidden columns into the Displayed fields
Click OK.
If the results are unexpected, or you want to run another search, modify your search options, and click Search again.
(Optional) In the Business Rules Search Result view, right-click a rule name to do the following:
- Re-analyze the rule. Non-library rules only. Supports a multi-rule selection.
- Edit the rule. You can also double-click a rule to open the Edit Rule window.
- Promote the rule to the Library. Non-library rules only.
- Delete the rule.
- Categorize the rule. Supports a multi-rule selection. For more information, see Associating Categories to Business Rules.
- Manage categories and priorities.
- Open the corresponding entity.
- Export selected rows or the entire view as a file. Supports a multi-rule selection.
- Copy the rule. Supports a multi-rule selection.