Editing Derived Rules - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Derived rules are attribute and entity business rules that have been promoted to and are currently associated with reusable rules called library rules. A derived rule is like a link to a library rule, and you can edit whether the rule inherits certain settings from the library rule or whether the library rule inherits settings from the derived rule.

If you want to edit the expression elements (functions, attributes) of a library rule, do so from the Library tab. For more information, see Edit Library Rules.

To edit derived business rules

  1. Open a List View of the business rules with which you want to work. (See How to View Business Rules.)
  2. Verify that a rule is derived as follows:
    • The Derived column displays yes.
    • The Library column displays the name of the associated library attribute or entity.
  3. Right-click the rule you want to edit and select Edit rule.

    The Edit Inherited Rule window opens. The rule's name, description, and expression elements display as read-only text for reference.

  4. Select one or more of the following options:
    • Override parent threshold. Supercedes the original passing threshold rows or values percentage for the library rule. When selected, enter a passing threshold value. For ABR rules, also select the rows or values threshold option.
    • Override parent enabler. Supercedes the original enabled setting. When the parent library rule is enabled, the Enabled: check box displays a grayed-out check. When you check Override parent enabler:, the Enabled: check box becomes active, allowing you to check it and override the parent.
    • Override parent index control. Supercedes the index type set in the original rule. When selected, choose the index type, either Normal (creates an index for failing rows, up to the default threshold (10,000 by default.) If the number of returned failing rows is higher than the default threshold, no index is created.), Unlimited (creates a full index for all failing rows), or Limited. If Limited, in the Index threshold field enter the maximum number of failing rows you want returned and indexed.
    • Override parent priority. Supercedes the business rule priority value set in the original rule. When selected, click the Priority drop-down list to select a different priority. To add or edit a priority, click the ellipsis button () below the Priority drop down.
    • Override parent categories. Supercedes the business rule category selection in the original rule. When selected, you can add or remove categories and subcategories by clicking the ellipsis button ().
  5. Click Finish.
  6. To confirm that the edit was successful, verify that the changes display in the rule's Threshold and Enabled columns.