Discovery Center - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date
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The Discovery Center is a powerful web-based application that allows you to:

  • Review metadata overviews and data statistics displayed in charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Add entities (data sources) and associate them with library rule sets.
  • Track the status of running and waiting profiling jobs.
  • View Venn Diagrams of join analysis.
  • Search for business rules, entities (data sources), and join analysis using conditions.
  • Modify multiple business rules at once.
  • Associate rule sets (groups of library rules) to one or more entities (data sources).
  • Run business rule analysis.
  • Export and import business rule sets and rule analysis results.
  • Copy business rules.

The Discovery Center is available from the Control Center and as a standalone application.

  • Your administrator must have enabled the Discovery Center option for you to launch the application from the Control Center.
  • The Discovery Center supports Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. If you use another browser, certain formatting elements will not display correctly and some functions will not work.
  • You need to install the TS Web Server if you installed the TSS repository server on Sun SPARC or AIX and you intend to use the Discovery Center. See Appendix B of the Trillium Installation Guide, Installing Standalone TS Web Server.

To launch the Discovery Center from the Control Center

  1. In the Trillium Control Center, click the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Discovery Center. If you see the security certificate warning, click Continue to this website (not recommended). The Log In page opens.
  3. In the User ID and Password fields, enter your user ID and password.
  4. For Repository, click the drop-down list and select a repository. If the list has more than six names, do one of the following:
    • In the search field, enter the partial or full name of the repository to filter the list. Select a name from the results. The text string you enter is not case-sensitive.
    • Scroll through the drop-down list and select a name.
    Note: If there is only one repository, it is listed as the default repository.
  5. Click Log In. The Discovery Center's Home page opens.
    Note: For information about using the Discovery Center, open the Discovery Center Help from the Discovery Center Help menu.