Associating Categories to Business Rules - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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After you add categories and subcategories, you associate them to the appropriate rules. You can associate a rule with one or more categories and subcategories at a time, depending on the context in which you are working, and can modify these associations at any time. When you associate a rule with a subcategory, the parent category is associated by default.

There are multiple ways to associate categories to rules:

  • When you create or edit a rule.
  • From a library rule's context (right-click) menu.
  • When you view business rule search results or display business rules in a List View. Use this method to associate categories and subcategories to multiple rules at a time. The rules you select must be of the same type, either ABRs or EBRs, and either library rules or rules residing outside the Library.

Associate categories and subcategories with a single business rule

To associate categories and subcategories with a single business rule

  1. In a business rule List View, right-click a rule and select Edit rule. The Edit Rule window opens.
  2. To the right of the Categories section click the ellipsis button () . The Add/Edit Category window opens.

  3. In the Category column, locate the category you want to associate and click Apply in the row.
  4. To associate one or more subcategories in the category, click the arrow next to the category name to expand the row. All subcategories in the category display under the category name.
  5. Click Apply for each subcategory you want to associate.
  6. To add a subcategory to a category, click a category's plus button ( ) in the Add column. The Add sub-category window opens.

  7. Enter the new name for the subcategory and click OK. The new subcategory is added to the category. This is a permanent subcategory that can be viewed and modified in the Add/Edit Category window.
  8. To remove an association, in the Add/Edit Category window, click Do not apply in the category or subcategory row.
  9. When you are finished, click OK to close the window. In the rule's edit window, the Categories field is updated with your selections. Each category and subcategory is a link. Click the links to open a List View showing other business rules associated with the category or subcategory.
  10. To save your associations and close the business rule, click Finish.

Associate categories with a single library business rule

To associate categories with a single library business rule
  1. On the Discover or Develop bar, click the Library tab.
  2. Navigate to the rule with which you want to work.
  3. Right-click and select Categorize rules. The Add/Edit Category window opens.
  4. Associate categories and subcategories as needed. See Step 3 above.

Associate categories to multiple rules at a time

To associate categories to multiple rules at a time
  1. Run a business rule search or open a List View of business rules.
  2. In the Business Rules Search Result view or List View, select two or more rules.
  3. Right-click and select Categorize rules or Manage rules > Categorize rules. The Add/Edit Category window opens.
    Note: This option is unavailable for derived/inherited rules.
  4. Associate categories and subcategories as needed. See Step 3 above.