Copying Entity Business Rules Between Entities - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can copy EBRs from one entity and add them to another. You can also paste an EBR into its source entity to create a new rule.

To copy a business rule between entities

  1. Open a List View of EBRs for an entity.
  2. Select one or more business rule(s) to copy.
  3. Right-click and select Manage rules >Copy rule(s).
  4. In the Navigation View, right-click the entity into which you want to paste the rule(s) and select Business Rules > Drill down to entity business rules. (You can also drill down from an entity's Icon View.)

    A List View of EBRs for that entity opens.

  5. Right-click in the List View and select Paste.

    If a rule exists with the same name, a message displays alerting that the copied rule or rules will be automatically appended with copy#count_ID. For example, if you are pasting a rule named ebr10 and a rule with that name already exists, the copy will be named ebr10_copy#1.

    The rule is copied into the List View and displays alphabetically.

  6. To accommodate differences in attribute names between entities, you may have to edit the business rule. Note the following:
    • The copy must reference attributes in the target entity, otherwise the rule cannot be successfully analyzed.
    • If you copy the rule to an entity that shares the same attributes as the original entity (for example, if both were created using the same data source), then you do not have to edit the rule before you analyze it.
  7. Re-analyze the rule.