Applying Entity Business Rules - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Entity business rules are applied against the following:

  • Entities in a repository
  • Dynamic entities that reference data stored in an external data source

You apply EBRs before or after you import data:

  • If you are familiar with your data and know which business rules to apply prior to examining your data, create rules before you import the data (Method 1).
  • If you need to examine your data before deciding what business rules to create and apply, create rules after you determine what is needed (Method 2).

Method 1: Apply EBRs Before Data Import

Use this method if you are very familiar with the data you plan to import, or if you are working directly with an external data source. While this method can be the most efficient way to add business rules and may save you processing time, only persons with high-level knowledge of the data source should work directly with it.

Note: Precisely recommends that when you work directly with a data source you back up the data before you begin.

If you choose to work with only dynamic entities follow Steps 1-3. If you choose to work with entities in a repository, use Method 2.

To apply rules prior to data import:
  1. Create a dynamic entity.
  2. Create entity business rules.
  3. Review business rule results using dynamic entities.
  4. Import data into a repository.
  5. Review results of import, drilling down to business rules.

    To make additional changes to business rules, follow Steps 4-8 in Method 2.

Method 2: Apply EBRs After Data Import

Use this method if you are less familiar with the data you plan to import. This method allows you to design and develop your business rules using a trial-and-test approach that helps you to refine your rules. Re-analyze your business rules after you make each change.

To apply rules after data import:
  1. Create an entity.
  2. Import data into a repository.
  3. Review results of import.
  4. Create entity business rules.
  5. Review the analysis results.
  6. Edit, copy, and delete business rules based on results.
  7. Re-run business rules analysis.
  8. Repeat these steps until you achieve the results you want.