Setting Up a UDP - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Before you can run the UDP, you must configure it by defining the name and path of the third-party executable or script. Optionally, you can specify any run-time parameters that apply.

To set up the UDP

  1. From the Navigation or Project view, right-click the new UDP process.
  2. Select Edit Process. The User-Defined Options window opens.
  3. Click in the Executable field to display the Select File window.
  4. Use the Look In list box to select the virtual UDP directory that contains the executable or script you want to run. (See your repository administrator if you aren’t sure which directory to select.)
  5. Browse until you find the program you want and double-click.
  6. In the Parameters field, enter the parameters you want to apply to the third-party process. These parameters must be settings specific to the third-party program. They can include the following four string variables, which will be replaced by the appropriate values at run time:

    %INPUT_SCHEMA%: Name of input ddx file

    %INPUT_DATA%: Name of input data file

    %OUTPUT_SCHEMA%: Name of output ddx file

    %OUTPUT_DATA%: Name of output data file

  7. (Optional) To capture console output and/or errors, check the appropriate Capture option(s). (Output and/or errors are written to the process log file.)
  8. (Optional) Click Preview to do a test run of the command as you defined it.
  9. Click Finish.
    Note: If you export your project to a platform other than the one on which is was created, you must define the path on the target platform. For more information, see the topic Batch Process.