Transformer Unified Output - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Trillium includes a Quality process called Transformer Unified Output in a name and address project. The Transformer Unified Output generates cleansed and standardized attributes in a common format in the same encoding (UTF8) for all country-specific flows including a no-match flow, which can then be merged into a single output entity.


Use the following guidelines when you are working with the Transformer Unified Output process:

  • The Transformer Unified Output is the default process for a multi-country name and address project.
  • Projects that were created in the previous version will use the Transformer Label Lines and new projects will use the Transformer Unified Output. You can remove and replace these processes manually if necessary.
  • The Transformer Unified Output process does not automatically merge outputs. If you want to merge outputs from multiple countries, you still need to select, in addition to the Transformer Unified Output, the Merge Country Flows option in the Create Project Wizard or in the Global Data Router's configuration window.
  • The Merge process for multi-country merge is designed for batch only and cannot be deployed in a real-time environment. If a real-time project includes the merge process, the process will be excluded when the project is deployed for use in real time.
  • You cannot edit the schema directly in the Multi Country Merge process. If you need to change the schema, for example, to add user-defined attributes, you must do it in the prior Transformer Unified Output process.
  • The Multi Country Merge process expects all inputs and the merged output to have the same schema or format. That means when adding attributes, you must add the same attributes to each country’s Transformer Unified Output including the no-match flow.

Transformer Unified Output vs. Transformer Label Lines

When you create a name and address project, you must select either Transformer Unified Output or Transformer Label Lines for the final process in each flow. This section compares the features in each process.

The Transformer Unified Output generates the same properly formatted names and addresses as the Transformer Label Lines. In addition, the Transformer Unified Output produces a variety of output attributes including derived attributes from the Transformer Data Reconstruction and attributes from the Relationship Linker.

The Transformer Label Lines has the advantage of producing a smaller output entity as there are fewer attributes in the output schema. The Transformer Unified Output is useful when you are building a global project and generating a consolidated output.

The following table shows the differences between the Transformer Unified Output and Transformer Label Lines process:

Note: The availability of the output for your project varies depending on the processes included in the project.


Transformer Unified Output Process

Transformer Label Lines Process


  • Properly formatted name and address lines
  • Input name and address lines
  • Postal Matchers output attributes (TS attributes)
  • Some Customer Data Parser attributes
  • Other outputs depending on the country

Encoding for output schema

UTF8. See Working with UTF8 data for more information on how the program handles UTF8 encoding.

Encoding specified for each country

Merge country flows

You can merge outputs to create a single output entity You cannot merge outputs

Available projects

  • Name and address project
  • Empty project
  • Real Time (SAP) project
  • Name and address project
  • Empty project
  • Real Time (SAP) project
Available countries All countries All countries


Default Rules

The default rules can be viewed and edited under the Output Conditionals tab. The conditionals are displayed, and buttons allow you to view and edit the associated attribute scans and table recodes.

To modify the default rules

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Transformer Unified Output process and select Edit Process. You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
  2. Select the Output Conditionals tab. The default conditionals settings are displayed in the Output Conditionals section window. You can modify or specify the following settings from this window: