Table Recode Settings - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Transformer’s Table Recoding function converts the values in an attribute using an external user-defined recode table. You can recode literal or mask values.

Specify table recode settings with the Table Recode Wizard

To specify table recode settings with the Table Recode Wizard

  1. Create a user-defined external recode table. You can create a recode table in any text editor. The recode table can be a delimited file or fixed length file. If delimited, one column on the left is for the original value and a second column on the right is for the recoded value.
  2. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the special Transformer process and select Edit Process.You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
  3. Select the Output Conditionals tab.
  4. Click the Edit Table Recodes button. The Table Recode section window opens.
  5. Click the Add Table Recode button. See Recoding Data Using Tables to specify the settings with the wizard.
  6. Click Finish to save the changes.

Specify table recode settings manually

To specify table recode settings manually

You can specify the Table Recode settings manually only for the special Transformers.

  1. Create a user-defined external recode table. You can create a recode table in any text editor. The recode table can be a delimited file or fixed length file. If delimited, one column on the left is for the original value and a second column on the right is for the recoded value.
  2. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the special Transformer process and select Edit Process.You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
  3. Select the Output Conditionals tab.
  4. Click the Edit Table Recodes button. The settings for Table Recoding displays in XML format. The parameter for Table Recode (TABLE_RECODING parameter) contains arguments that specify recoding information.
  5. Edit the arguments under the TABLE_RECODING parameter directly in the window. See List of Table Recode Arguments and Description of Table Recode Arguments. For an example, see Table Recode Literal and Table Recode Mask examples.
    Note: The arguments are specified as XML elements in XML file format. You must therefore follow the standard XML format when you edit them.
  6. Click Finish to save the changes.

Delete table recode settings

To delete table recode settings

When you delete the Table Recode settings, make sure to delete only the ENTRY section of the parameter.

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the special Transformer process and select Edit Process. You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
  2. Select the Output Conditionals tab.
  3. Click the Edit Table Recodes button. The settings for Table Recoding displays in XML format. The TABLE_RECODING parameter contains arguments that specify recoding information.
  4. Delete the section from <ENTRY> to </ENTRY> under the TABLE_RECODING parameter in the window. Keep the following portion of the parameter. <TABLE_RECODING xmlns:xsi="">




  5. Click Finish to save the changes.