Scanning Attributes - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Transformer lets you scan the original value in the attribute and change, copy, move, or delete the value or set a value in a different attribute.

Scan attributes - Attribute Scan Wizard

To scan attributes - Attribute Scan Wizard

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Transformer process and select Edit Process. You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
  2. Select the Output Conditionals tab.
  3. Right-click within the Output Transformations pane (right-hand side) and select Add > New > Attribute Scan. The Attribute Scan - Step 1 Wizard displays. There are a total of three (3) steps to complete the attribute scanning settings.

Complete Attribute Scan - Step 1

To complete Attribute Scan - Step 1

  1. Enter a brief Description of this scan operation. The description will be inserted in the statistics file.
  2. Select the attribute from the list under Which attribute would you like to scan.
  3. Choose alignment of the attribute. This specifies how data contained in the attribute is aligned. The alignment is applied before scanning begins. For example, if Left Adjust is selected, the Transformer left-adjusts the attributes before searching for the scan value.
    Choices are
    Note: For Asian Character Data: There is no distinction between full-width spaces and half-width spaces in the Attribute Scan operation. Full-width spaces within the text are converted to half-width spaces.
  4. Specify what the scan should look for. This indicates the format and value for which to scan.
    Valid formats are For the literal type, you can enable or disable a case-sensitive scan by clicking the Case sensitive check box.
  5. Click Next.

Complete Attribute Scan - Step 2

To complete Attribute Scan - Step 2

  1. Specify How much of the attribute should be scanned. This indicates the location of the value for which to scan: the exact Beginning of the attribute, anywhere in the attribute (Entire Attribute) (default), or the exact End of the attribute. If you are using delimiters then Entire Attribute will be selected automatically.
  2. Specify in which direction the attribute should be scanned, either from Left-to-Right (default), or from Right-to-Left. This setting only applies if you are scanning the entire attribute.
  3. (Optional) If you select Beginning or End and you want to scan the beginning or the end of the text instead of the attribute, select Ignore leading/trailing spaces.
  4. Specify the function to perform if scan value is found in the attribute. You can Change, Copy, Move, or Delete the value or set a value in a different attribute (Flag).
  5. Click Next. Depending on the selection of the function to perform, the options in Step 3 are different.

Complete Attribute Scan - Step 3

To complete Attribute Scan - Step 3

Refer to the following table to complete Step 3.
Note: The British Pound (£) and the Not sign (¬) characters are not supported as delimiters in Quality processes.
To... Action



  1. In Enter new Value, enter the user-defined value that replaces the scan value.
  2. For No. of Occurrencesto change, specify All or 1 or Other numeric value that indicates how many times you want to scan and change the value within the scan attribute.



  1. In Select target attribute, select the attribute whose value will be changed.
  2. In Value to be stored in target attribute, specify the value to be stored in the target attribute.



  1. In Select target attribute, select the attribute to which the value will be copied.
  2. In What would you like to copy?, specify the elements of the attribute you want to copy. Use the Preview area to help you select the correct option.
  3. In Character used to separate each word, specify the delimiter used to separate words within an attribute. This only applies if you selected one of the options that operates at word level in Step 2. If the delimiter is not on the list, select Other and specify the character in the field.



  1. In Select target attribute, select the attribute to which the value will be moved.
  2. In What would you like to move?, specify the elements of the attribute you want to move. Use the Preview area to help you select the correct option.
  3. In Character used to separate each word, specify the delimiter used to separate words within an attribute. This only applies if you selected one of the options that operates at word level in Step 2. If the delimiter is not on the list, select Other and specify the character in the field.
  4. If you want to keep the scan value in the scan attribute, check the Retain scan value in scan attribute check box.



  1. In What would you like to delete?, specify the elements of the attribute you want to delete. Use the Preview area to help you select the correct option.
  2. In Character used to separate each word, specify the delimiter used to separate words within an attribute. This only applies if you selected one of the options that operates at word level in Step 1. If the delimiter is not on the list, select Other and specify the character in the field.

Click Finish.