Creating Conditional Transformation Rules - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Transformation rules are grouped according to the conditions that apply. The default condition is Always, meaning a transformation rule is applied to every record. When there is more than one rule associated with a condition, the rules are applied in the order they are listed in the rules pane of the Transformer Configuration window.

Create a condition

To create a condition

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Transformer process and select Edit Process. You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
  2. Select the Input Conditionals tab for the input data transformation. Select the Output Conditionals tab for the output data transformation. Conditions are displayed in the left-hand pane. Click Filter icon to display its associated transformation rules in the right-hand pane.


    This example shows that two attribute scan rules, one is to delete spaces and the other is to delete hyphens, will always run in this order.

  3. Right-click Filter icon and select Insert > Condition Before/After....
  4. Build a condition in the Edit Condition window. This window is the same as the Expression Builder. Set a condition using the Expression Builder.
    Note: If you leave the condition blank, it will be set to Always.
  5. Click OK.

Modify a condition

To modify a condition

  1. Right-click Filter icon and select an option.
    • Edit.... Change the selected condition.
    • Move Up/Down and Move To Top/Bottom. Move the selected condition to change it's execution order.
    • Insert > Sub-condition.... Create sub-conditions (nested IF/Else clauses). The sub-condition is displayed in the conditions pane in a tree view. It is also displayed in the rules pane as a condition.
  2. Build a condition in the Edit Condition window. This window is the same as the Expression Builder. Set a condition using the Expression Builder.
    Note: If you delete the condition in the Edit Condition window and leave it blank, it will be set to Always.
  3. Click OK.

    Example 1

    In this example, the condition [Sequence Number] >= 100 includes a sub-condition, [Source Id p1] = "ACE." "Delete spaces in the account number" and "Delete hyphens in the tel number" will be processed if the [Sequence Number] >= 100 is met. If the records meet [Sequence Number] >= 100 and the sub-condition, [Source Id p1] = "ACE" then the rules set under the sub-condition will be processed.

    Example 2

    In this example, three conditions including sub-conditions are specified. The Transformer will process each condition and its transformation rules from top to bottom. The highlighted condition, [Line 01] = tcase("John Smith"), will run at the end and applied to the attribute scan rule to remove "John Smith."

Delete a condition

To delete a condition

  1. Right-click Filter icon.
  2. Select Delete.  When you delete a condition, all transformation rules associated with the condition will also be deleted.