Split Options - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Split process offers a variety of methods for partitioning your output files. For each method, there are one or more parameters that further define the process. The appropriate parameters are added to the Split Options window when you select the partition method. The following table describes the settings and the associated parameters:

Partition Method


Round robin number

Split the file by number of rows. If you select this method, specify the round robin number in the Number of records to write to each file field. See Splitting Files for an example.  You also need to specify the Number of output files you want the process to create.

Round robin keys

Split the file by attribute. If you select this method, you can define additional Match Keys. Specify the Number of output files you want the process to create. See Splitting Files for an example.

Note: The input file should be sorted by the value of the attribute used for splitting. For example, if you want to split a file by the Country Code attribute and you have 4 country codes, the file should be sorted by Country Code . Then specify the number of output files to be 4 and use Country Code as Match Key.


Split the file by a range of values. If you select this method, the Add New Range button appears in the window. Click the button and enter the start and ending values of the range. You can define multiple ranges. Also, specify the Number of output files you want the process to create. Requires a Match Key definition.

Ranges stable

Split the file by attribute and attribute length which are established by the Match Key. You also need to specify the Number of output files you want the process to create.

Rows per segment

Split the file by segment, where the segment is a specified number of rows. If you select this method, define the number of rows in a segment in the Number of rows to write to each file field.

Bytes per segment

Split the file by segment, where the segment is a specified number of bytes. If you select this method, define the number of bytes per segment in the Number of bytes to write to each file field.

Segments per file

Split the file by segment, where the number of segments is determined by the number of output files specified.

Conditional split

Split the file according to the conditions you define. If you select this method, you need to define the conditions you want met for the row to be written to a file. See Setting Up a Conditional Split.