Specifying Sort Attribute and Order - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You must specify sort attributes and sort order to run the Sort process. You can also select the collating sequence that the process uses when sorting data.

To specify sort attributes and order

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click Sort for process_name and select Edit Process.
  2. Select Sort Order from the menu. The Sort Order window displays. In the top field, one or more default sort attributes are listed, based on the country-specific step. These attributes are used as input to the Sort process. You can use the default attributes, or add and remove attributes as needed.
  3. To insert another input attribute, in the top field click the attribute under which you want to insert the attribute.
  4. Click Insert. An empty row is added.
  5. In the Add Sort Key section, make the following selections:
    • For Name, select an attribute from the drop-down list.
    • For order, select either Ascending or Descending from the drop-down list. This controls the order in which the attributes will be sorted.
    • (Optional) For collating sequence, select a sequence from the drop-down list. The Sort Utility uses this collating sequence when sorting the data. (For more information, see Sort Collating Sequence.) When left blank, the default collating sequence defined by your operating system is used.
  6. Click Ok. The new attribute is added.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 for each attribute you want to add.
  8. To move an attribute's position in the list, select the attribute and click Move Up or Move Down.
  9. To delete an attribute from the list, select the attribute and click Delete.
  10. To edit an attribute's name, order, and sequence, select the attribute in the top field and make the changes in the drop-down lists.
  11. Click Finish.