Adding New Input - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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A library project consists of one or more processes in a disconnected workflow. After you copy a library project into an active Quality project, you connect it to new input data. This activates the first process in the copied flow.

Add new input using one of two methods:

  • Dragging and dropping the first output entity within the Quality Process Flow View. Use this method if the input entity you need is currently used in the project.
  • From Navigation View. This method connects to any available input entity, including entities not currently in the project. If the selected input entity is not in the project, it will be added.
Guidelines: Note the following when adding new input:
  • After you add a new input, map input attributes to the output attributes in your first process. For more information, see Mapping Attributes.
  • After you add new inputs, you may need to recreate or reassign input filters, input conditionals, and file update match keys for the first process in a process workflow, as needed.
Note: If you plan to insert the copied process into the middle of an existing workflow, see Inserting Library Processes for more information.

Add a new input by dragging and dropping

To add a new input by dragging and dropping

  1. Open the Quality project that contains the copied library project.
  2. In the Quality Process Flow, drag the output entity of the first process and drop it onto the input entity. The first process activates, connecting the input entity to the output entity.
  3. Map attributes as necessary.

Add a new input from the Navigation View

To add a new input from the Navigation View

  1. From the Navigation View, expand the Quality project with which you want to work, and then expand Processes.
  2. Right-click the first process in the copied project, and select Add new inputs. The Add Input Process window opens.
  3. Under Entity selection, do one of the following:
    • Select Unattached entities in the project to display all entities in the project.
    • Select Unattached entities in the repository to display all entities in the repository not already in the project.
  4. Select an entity from the list and click OK. A new process connects the input entity to the output entity.
  5. Map attributes as necessary.