Copying to the Project Library - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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From a Quality Project View you can copy an entire project or individual processes and their outputs to create a new library project.

Guidelines: Note the following when copying to the Project Library:
  • As a best practice, do not copy a project with the Decision Point process as the first or only process in the workflow. Any conditions or settings created for the process will be removed along with the original input schema, and will need to be recreated each time you use the Decision Point library project. To reuse Decision Point conditionals, add them to the Business Rules Library.
  • Analysis processes cannot be copied to the Project Library. If you copy all or part of a Quality project that includes an Analysis Process, the project will copy successfully but without the Analysis Process. A project whose only process is an Analysis Process cannot be copied.
  • Business Rules processes cannot be copied to the Project Library. If a project contains a Business Rules process, remove the process before copying the project.
  • Dependencies and Keys processes copied to the Library must have a Load process as input, and the Load process must also be copied to the Library.
  • After copying, recode tables may be regenerated for changes regarding input data to take effect. For information, see Regenerating Recode Tables.
  • When you copy a Quality project to the Library, input conditionals are always retained. The input settings are retained for processes which can have only one input (for example, the Customer Data Parser). For processes that can accept multiple inputs (for example, Transformers and Merge/Split), none of the input settings are retained. All of the input settings are retained for processes that can only ever accept one input.
  • Empty Quality projects (projects containing one or more input entities but no processes) cannot be copied to the library. A library project must contain at least one input entity and process.
  • When you copy a project to the Project Library, no data processing settings are included.

Copy an entire process workflow into the Project Library

To copy an entire process workflow into the Project Library

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From a Quality Project View, right-click any entity.
    • From Navigation View, click the Develop bar, click the Projects tab, and then right-click a project.
  2. Select Copy entire project to project library.

    The Copy to library window opens.

  3. Enter a Name and Description for the project.
  4. Click OK.

    The scheduler bar opens.

  5. (Optional) Change the job name.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To schedule the job to run immediately, click Now. The message closes and the job begins running in the background.
    • Click Later. The Set Date & Time scheduler window opens. To immediately run the job in the background, click Run Now. To schedule a time, select a starting date on the calendar and select a time you want the job to run on the selected date. Click Submit to save the scheduled time.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the task.
  7. When the copy job finishes, refresh the Navigation View.

    In the Navigation View on the Library tab, the new project displays under the Projects folder. Expand the project to view the associated processes.

  8. To open the new project, right-click the project name and select Open or Open in new window.

Copy one or more processes to the Project Library

To copy one or more processes to the Project Library

  1. From a Quality Project View, do one of the following to select one or more entities:
    Note: You select the output entity of the process you want to copy, not the process itself.
    • Press Ctrl or Shift and left-click the entities.
    • Left-click and drag a highlight box over the entities.
  2. Right-click the highlighted entities and select Copy to project library. The Copy to library window opens.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the project.
  4. Click OK. The scheduler bar opens.
  5. (Optional) Change the job name.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To schedule the job to run immediately, click Now. The message closes and the job begins running in the background.
    • Click Later. The Set Date & Time scheduler window opens. To immediately run the job in the background, click Run Now. To schedule a time, select a starting date on the calendar and select a time you want the job to run on the selected date. Click Submit to save the scheduled time.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the task.
  7. When the copy job finishes, refresh the Navigation View.
  8. Click the Library tab. The new project displays under Projects. Expand the project name to see the names of associated process or processes.
  9. To open the new project, right-click it and select Open or Open in new window.